2분Mi profesora Cris Becé5년 전الإسبانيةEsperar, un concepto complicado en español [AVANZADO]Hola, ¿qué tal? Hoy traigo una anécdota bastante "temporal" que me pasó y que me hizo reflexionar sobre...
2분Ivana Barrili5년 전الايطاليةConnettori temporali dell’italiano Quando scriviamo un testo abbiamo bisogno dei connettori testuali per dare al nostro discorso una coesione...
몇 초Removed Removed5년 전الايطاليةCittà scaramanticheCittà scaramantiche Gli italiani sono molto superstiziosi e scaramantici. In Italia puoi trovare molti...
14분Suzana Anđelković5년 전صربيSimilarities and differences between Serbian and Turkish phrases Hello dear Sirs, how are you? I hope you are fine. This time I decided to help all Turkish speakers who...
1분Scott Parrant4년 전الانجليزيةWhat Is The Difference Between Red Kangaroos And Grey Kangaroos?The Grey Kangaroo: There are two species of grey kangaroos, Eastern grey (Macropus giganteous) and...
3분Kiarah 6년 전الانجليزيةTED Talk Alternatives TED Talk Alternatives Kiarah Evans It is a good idea to look for new ways to entertain ourselves during...
6분Alexander Córdoba5년 전الانجليزيةMAIN COMPONENTS OF A LANGUAGE COURSE IN TODAY’S EDUCATION A today’s language Course should mainly deal with language and methodology components offered to the...
2분Elma Janeth Perea 5년 전الإسبانيةLos Trabalenguas, pequeñas construcciones textuales para divertirse y aprender Los trabalenguas son una construcción textual u oracional, no solo para niños. En cualquier edad, y especialmente...
1분Denise Cupido5년 전الانجليزيةImproving your Speaking Ability Hi! You might be wondering, "How long will it take to improve my speaking?" Why when I have studied...
2분Nadia Camacho 6년 전الإسبانيةHow to master reflexive verbs in Spanish If you are reading this it’s because you have probably been struggling trying to learn and understand...
3분Sebastian 7년 전الإسبانيةInglés para salvar vidas: vocabulario para situaciones médicas y de seguridad urgentesTodos queremos tener el viaje perfecto cada vez que salimos de nuestro país. Esto nos lleva a planear...
2분Anita Siatkovskaya6년 전اللغة الروسيةRUSSIAN PODCASTS: how to improve your RUSSIAN listening skills1. A taste of Russian (https://www.torpod.com/ and http://www.tasteofrussian.com/) A Taste of Russian...