٣ دقائقSebastian منذ ٧ أعوامالإسبانية10 datos que no conocías del Tate museumOriginalmente construida como una central eléctrica, Tate Modern está diseñada en torno a una serie de...
٤٤ ثانيةSerena منذ ٧ أعوامالانجليزية5 different ways to use the Italia word PROPRIO1. As an adverb (invariable form) As ad adverb, proprio, means ‘really’ Quello studente é proprio bravo!...
دقيقة واحدةJanpatt N.L.منذ ٥ أعوامالتايلنديةLinguistic Root of Thai Greetings word "Sawasdti" (Sawasdee) Sawasdti" or Sawasdee (means well being, prosperity, auspiciousness) was an official greeting, used...
دقيقتانRobin منذ ٧ أعوامالانجليزيةHow to Give a Presentation in another Language To become a great communicator, one must learn to become a great storyteller. Firstly, many students...
دقيقة واحدةВиктория Syominaمنذ ٥ أعواماللغة الروسيةКАК БЫСТРО ЗАГОВОРИТЬ НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ Давайте поговорим о простых, но эффективных способах, которые помогут Вам начать говорить по-русски...
دقيقة واحدة🏅 Mark D 🚀 Personalised 🎵SONGS🎵 based on your errors | Corporate English | English with Life Coaching | English for Introverts | AI exercises | Since 2007 🏆منذ ٧ أعوامالانجليزيةFor Spanish Learners: "LOS REYES MAGOS" are not called "THE MAGIC KINGS" and the word for "CABALGATA"In Spain, and if you are reading this you will probably know, January 6 is typically called "Día de los...
ثانية واحدةShirley YANGمنذ ٤ أعواملغة الماندرين汉语多音字这样记- Learn Chinese homograph like this (5) 51、参:人参(shēn)苗长得参(cēn)差不齐,还让人参(cān)观吗。 52、吓:敌人的恐吓(hè),吓(xià)不倒他。 53、好:好(hào)逸恶劳、好(hào)为人师的做法,都不好(hǎo)。...
دقيقتانyohan منذ ٨ أعوامالفرنسيةWhy French is the Perfect Choice for a Second LanguageSo you’ve decided to learn another language, and you’re wondering if French is the right choice for you....
٢٥ ثانيةJoshua R Tedersمنذ ٦ أعوامالانجليزيةFor vs. SincePrepositions are often a very misused part of Speech. Over the years I have come to find that I am correcting...
دقيقة واحدةDenette منذ ٩ أعوامالانجليزية5 Things Teachers are Really Thinking During Class Worried about what your teacher really thinks about you? Don’t be! Here's what's really going through...
دقيقتانPaul Burnettمنذ ٨ أعوامالانجليزيةThe Undistinguishable Sound of Verbal Communication Across Boarders and the Playground.Kicking, punching, shouting, screaming in the school playground is all ´stuff´ I have seen as a teacher...
٢٣ ثانيةPaul O'Neillمنذ ٥ أعوامالانجليزيةI used to want to be a pilotI used to want to be a pilot, but now I'd rather be a teacher! We use USED TO to describe something...