Diversi modi di dire "grazie" in russo

La gratitudine ha una grande forza. Quando si ringrazia, si diventa più ricco..
Per ringraziare qualcuno in russo, più spesso si usa la gentile parola
“спасибо” che deriva dalla frase «спаси Бог» (salve Dio). “Спасибо”
può essere grande e molto grande: “большое спасибо”, “огромное
Depende dalla situazione, per esprimere la gratitudine, si può dire anche:
Благодарю – ringrazio
Благодарствую - ringrazio
Вы очень любезны – Lei è molto gentile
Я очень Вам признателен – Le sono molto riconoscente,
Я очень Вам благодарен – Le sono infinitamente grato
Если бы вы знали, как я вам благодарен! – se sapesse, come le sono riconscente
Разрешите вас поблагодарить - mi permetta di ringraziarLa
Нет слов выразить Вам мою благодарность! – non ho parole di esprimerLe la mia gratitudine
Вы так добры - Lei è molto gentile
Премного благодарен (Вам) — Le sono molto grato
Ты меня выручил – mi hai dato una mano
Спасибочки – grazie (informale)

Invece per rispondere alle parole di gratitudine, si puo dire:

Пожалуйста - prego!
Всегда пожалуйста - (sempre) prego!
Не за что – di nulla, figurati
Никаких проблем! – non c’è problema
На здоровьe! (quando si ringrazia per il cibo)
Не стоит благодарности! — non c'è di che!
Пустяки!, не стоит благодарности - non c'è da ringraziare per queste miserie
Это моя работа – è il mio lavoro
Рад был помочь – sono stato lieto di aiutare
Для тебя все что угодно – qualsiasi cosa per te
Ну что (вы) ты… - si figuri, figurati
Это было нетрудно – non è stato difficile
Это ничего мне стоило - non è stato difficile per me

Non smettere di dire “grazie”, anche quando è difficile dirlo, e la vita diventa più bella...

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اللغة الروسية
الولايات المتحدة
Hi everyone! Привет всем! Ciao a tutti! ¡Hola a todos! Welcome everyone to my page :-) I am a native Russian speaker living in the US and who has been learning foreign languages for years and would never stop doing so and who is also willing to help others to learn languages. I graduated from the Kazakh University of World Languages and International Relations in the beautiful Almaty, Kazakhstan. My major was translation studies, but I would say I am more a teacher than I am a translator. This is simply a passion to me. I speak Russian, English, Italian, and some Spanish. And my German is totally forgotten somewhere:-) as you might know this simple truth about languages "use it or lose it". :-) We are all different and we learn foreign languages our own way. Some would prefer listening, others reading, the thirds being actively involved in the speaking activities. And there's no wrong way as long as we practice the language we like. We could do this journey on our own or with the...
اللغة الروسية
الولايات المتحدة
Hi everyone! Привет всем! Ciao a tutti! ¡Hola a todos! Welcome everyone to my page :-) I am a native Russian speaker living in the US and who has been learning foreign languages for years and would never stop doing so and who is also willing to help others to learn languages. I graduated from the Kazakh University of World Languages and International Relations in the beautiful Almaty, Kazakhstan. My major was translation studies, but I would say I am more a teacher than I am a translator. This is simply a passion to me. I speak Russian, English, Italian, and some Spanish. And my German is totally forgotten somewhere:-) as you might know this simple truth about languages "use it or lose it". :-) We are all different and we learn foreign languages our own way. Some would prefer listening, others reading, the thirds being actively involved in the speaking activities. And there's no wrong way as long as we practice the language we like. We could do this journey on our own or with the...
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