٤ دقائقKelly C 🤓⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️منذ ٦ أعوامالانجليزيةBe Positive and Passionate! NOT PerfectTeaching a language is not all about being the perfect teacher with the perfect grammar. It's about...
دقيقتانHeath Simsمنذ ٧ أعوامالانجليزيةHelping native Spanish-speakers with their pronunciation of English words. Helping native Spanish-speakers with their pronunciation of English words. My name is Heath, and I...
٣ دقائقSuzana Anđelkovićمنذ ٧ أعوامالانجليزيةWhy should you learn on VERBLINGGreetings to all of you, VERBLING folks, My name is Suzana Anđelković. I'm a manager (professional...
دقيقتانChris Reevesمنذ ٧ أعوامالانجليزيةRoutine Efficiency Method (REM) – The future of language learning?<div style="text-align: justify"> Routine Efficiency Method (REM) – The future of language learning?...
دقيقتانGerry Aldridgeمنذ ٧ أعوامالانجليزيةThe Teaching Machines The Teaching Machines The tentacles of technology are attempting to wheedle their way into professions...