poucos segundosMARY NICHOLSON6 anos atrásEnglishHave you made your New Year’s resolution list yet? Have you made your New Year’s resolution list yet? If you are making a New Year’s resolution list...
poucos segundosPaul O'Neill5 anos atrásEnglishOFTEN Go or I GO TWICE A WEEK !How often do you go to the gym? Adverbs of Frequency, such as OFTEN give us additional information about...
poucos segundosMing Jiao 5 anos atrásMandarin 存现句Cún xiàn jù(The Expression of Existence): Location Word + V 着 + Numeral +Measure Word+ N 你好 nǐ hǎo! In Chinese, the structure"Location Word + V 着 + NP"means there is something...
um minutoJohn Bostock6 anos atrásEnglishComparing ourselves to other peopleThere is a great temptation in the world today, and that is to compare our lives with the lives of others:...
2 minutosKent Cameron 5 anos atrásEnglishWill a 5 Minute Per Day “Mirror Exercise” Ever Build Speaking Confidence?I am an Australian native English speaker living in Colombia for about two years now. I work for a...
poucos segundosRonald Medina5 anos atrásSpanishExpresiones con el verbo “echar” 1. echar a alguien a pasear - despedirlo con desprecio o disgusto 2. echar a perder - deteriorar...
10 minutosPeter Ehret6 anos atrásSpanishLos 10 errores del mal estudiante Aprender un idioma nuevo es un desafío - tanto para el profesor como para el estudiante. Y se equivoca...
5 minutosMaria Meftahi5 anos atrásArabicاللغة العربية الفصحى عندما نضيف للغة العربية، هذا التحديد في لفظ "الفصحى"، فهذا يجعل منها لغة أهل الثقافة والمتعلمين سواء...
4 minutosElena 6 anos atrásItalianUNA PICCOLA GUIDA ALLA PRONUNCIA ITALIANA (in Italian and English)Stai cominciando a imparare l’italiano e fai confusione tra la “E” e la “I”? O tra “CE” e “CHE”? Oppure...
2 minutosAnna 5 anos atrásEnglishDon't just learn English, have fun with it! You're not necessarily learning English just because you have to, but because you enjoy it, because...
7 minutosRichard Kepler5 anos atrásEnglishMy Basic Teaching Approach on VerblingI am often asked about how I teach English here on Verbling. I can explain this. I have been teaching...
3 minutosMarly B6 anos atrásSpanish10 Colloquial expressions that you should know if you are learning Spanish Resumen: Este artículo te permitirá conocer 10 diferentes palabras informales para “muchacho” y “amigo”...