Do you want to improve your pronunciation of English?
It will help you in your career if you can achieve that goal.
Speaking English correctly will often help you get a better job.
I believe watching movies or films with English subtitles will help your listening, speaking and reading skills.
Particularly if you analyse the film carefully and imitate the speakers in the movie.
Structures and patterns of English speaking can be learned while watching films. Just as we did when we were learning our native language by listening to our parents at home.
By the age of three we had memorized complex grammatical structures, all without looking at a grammar book. Obviously, it is similar for learning English later in life. The more we listen carefully to and practice English, the faster we will progress.
I am proposing to you, to analyse an excellent film together.
This film is ideal for improving your pronunciation. It is about an English professor who teaches a woman how to pronounce English correctly. This involves some English pronunciation exercises. She too is hoping that if she can improve her English pronunciation, she will get a better job.
The film is called Pygmalion (A classic early version of My fair lady). It is the 1938 version found on YouTube. The film can be stopped at any time to examine the rich vocabulary in the subtitles. The link is provided below.
I have written a program of three lessons. You can try one lesson to see how you get on. There are exercises with questions to make sure you have the correct understanding of the events in the film. I will be able to help you with the vocabulary/grammar and at the same time help you to improve your pronunciation of the English language.
Pygmalion 1938.
I have a neutral English accent, easily understood anywhere in the English speaking world.
So let's get working together. If you like to book a lesson with me, please book through Verbling. My name is Patrick Randall.
December 6, 2019