5 minutesSebastian 7 years agoSpanischRecorre la arquitectura de India visitando sus 10 mejores templosPara muchas personas, India está representada por el Taj Mahal, sin embargo este país de milenaria tradición...
3 minutesJessy 5 years agoEnglisch30+ Self Study Activities to Improve in your Target Language Listen It is possible to listen to radio programs from other countries on streaming websites online....
2 minutesKristina 8 years agoEnglischHow to Pronounce "T" like an AmericanHow to pronounce “T” like an American Students often approach me with the goal of improving their pronunciation...
a few secondsTomasz Franc5 years agoPolnischPolskie łamańce językowe / Polish tongue twisters Cześć, dziś chciałbym zaproponować Wam zabawę, mogącą mieć dobry wpływ na poprawność wymowy i dykcję....
a few secondsPaul O'Neill5 years agoEnglischCONDITIONALS MADE EASY with Have, Had & Had had Lots of my students find using conditionals difficult. So I have created this video tutorial which shows...
3 minutesTrini Cannoot9 years agoEnglisch3 Reasons You're Afraid of Speaking in a Foreign Language and What You Can Do About It When I get new students I often hear the same complaint: "I don’t have enough confidence and I would...
a minuteAriane Pereira de Sousa6 years agoPortugiesischVocê sabe o que é a Academia Brasileira de Letras?Você sabe o que é a Academia Brasileira de Letras e o motivo de sua fundação? Formalmente o que se sabe...
5 minutesFarley Leite de Akers5 years agoEnglisch#0 Introduction to Awareness Understanding grammar, becoming aware of pronunciation in English, and increasing your vocabulary,...
a minuteAurélie Camus5 years agoFranzösischUne recette miracle pour apprendre le français ? Cela n´existe pas me dis-tu ? Si, si, en voilà UNE ! 🤑😂 👍 Si tu parles anglais🇬🇧, et bien...
a minuteDawn` Newsum-Hiles5 years agoEnglischPreparations for business meetingsGreeting: 1- Goodmorning my name is _______________. What is your name?__________...
3 minutesPeter Ehret6 years agoEnglisch"He was my teacher..." Some words on the relation between teachers and studentsIn advance: the following article will be a little bit provocative and maybe some of you will hate me...
2 minutesOdile Tezel5 years agoEnglischAn Introduction To 10 Classic French Pastries 🍰 🔊 For pronunciation, click on the French word you would like to hear and it will lead you to a website...