2 MinutenMarisa Nishvor 8 JahrenEnglischHistory of the English LanguageFrom the beginning of recorded human history, people have used language to communicate. Through language...
3 MinutenSebastian vor 7 JahrenSpanischCuáles son las mejores 5 ciudades europeas para vivir en tu juventud Europa es sin duda un continente sobresaliente, no solo por su espectacular arte, arquitectura, historia...
2 MinutenRoua Krimivor 8 JahrenEnglisch5 Things you can do right now to start learning Arabic!Arabic is a hard language! Yes, it really is a hard language just like many other things in life. Sometimes...
2 MinutenCarolina vor 6 JahrenSpanischEl estrés y nuestro cuerpo El estrés no es completamente malo, de hecho, es necesario para reaccionar a eventos peligrosos (nuestra...
3 MinutenAudrey Stephanvor 6 JahrenEnglischWHY SHOULD YOU TAKE THE DELF? Do you want to know your French level and give evidence of it thanks to an international diploma?...
10 MinutenSuzana Anđelkovićvor 8 JahrenSerbischHOW TO LEARN SERBIAN SO EASILY WITHOUT FORCING YOUR BRAIN?It's well known that lesson and grammar are very important. If they wouldn't have been important, we...
2 MinutenXimena Restrepovor 7 JahrenEnglischFun Quirks in Informal Colombian SpanishBeing from Colombia, traveling to other Spanish-speaking countries is always a fun experience. Just in...
2 MinutenSharon Ruisvor 6 JahrenEnglischSTOP STUDYING AND STOP TRANSLATING INSTEAD PRACTICE AND USE THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. I hear many students say they spend hours studying English from a Textbook, written in their Native...
eine MinuteWill Saffelvor 6 JahrenEnglischSay or Tell?Say Versus Tell Welcome ot common mistakes! Today we're going to be tlaking about the difference between...
eine MinuteGuillaume Carrévor 5 JahrenFranzösischEasy everyday French: Expressions with Se/En/Y Parte 1 Easy everyday French: Expressions with Se/En/Y Vocabulary: How can « prepositions » and « pronouns...
2 MinutenReggie Stuartvor 7 JahrenEnglischPassing English Certification Exams: Tips From A CoachBy Reggie Stuart Performance on an English exam can have a significant impact on the course of a career,...
2 MinutenAlicia Garciavor 8 JahrenSpanischEspanol Refranes / Idioms En España existen una especie de “frases hechas” llamadas REFRANES. Son frases populares que enseñan...