3 MinutenMitch Gvor 6 JahrenEnglischDo the quiz - famous quotes from Hollywood!What is a quote? Famous lines and movie quotes play an important part in modern day pop culture. A quote...
eine MinuteTamara vor 8 JahrenEnglischShould you take a diagnostic test? Yes, you should!You have enrolled in a new course, and go to your first lesson. Your instructor tells you that before...
eine MinuteFrancesca De Paolisvor 6 JahrenItalienischTour Gastronomico dell'ItaliaCome tanti di voi sapranno, l'Italia è uno dei paesi più famosi al mondo per il cibo. Chi non ha mai...
3 MinutenSteve Fowlervor 6 JahrenEnglischIntroducing Myself. Introducing Yourself.A very common question you will come across during your working life or studies will be associated with...
ein paar SekundenOubbadah Alabbarvor 6 JahrenArabischLearning Arabic everyday life conversations In this article, I’ll show some Arabic conversation phrases, and providing the English translation....
eine MinuteSofía Triviño Sánchezvor 6 JahrenSpanischAcento diacrítico ACENTO DIACRÍTICO El acento diacrítico sirve para distinguir las funciones que una misma palabra puede...
3 MinutenSean Teumervor 7 JahrenEnglischLearning Multiple Languages Has Many BenefitsLearning a new language can have many benefits beyond just being able to communicate in a different language....
3 MinutenLeonardo Varasvor 6 JahrenSpanischDificultades del españolSin duda hay un sin fin de dificultades que abordar en el estudio de cualquier idioma. A continuación...
eine MinuteEric Weschvor 6 JahrenEnglischConsumerism, the poor and the war against trash While teaching in South Korea I was saddened every time I saw a poor, bent old ‘ajuma’ (old woman)...
2 MinutenSama Alkhalilivor 6 JahrenEnglischTips to Master Gerunds and Infinitives 1 For the next couple of weeks, we're going to learn when to use the infinitive and when to use the gerund....
eine MinuteElena Odinokayavor 7 JahrenEnglischUsing participles in Russian (причастие и деепричастие)As an advanced learner of Russian using participles in your speech will make you sound closer to a native...
eine MinuteNarayan Arencibia Afonso vor 8 JahrenSpanisch7 expresiones españolas con la naturaleza (7 Spanish Idioms about nature)7 expresiones españolas con la naturaleza 1. Echar raíces = Take root (establecerse en un sitio o quedarse...