4 минутыSama Alkhalili5 лет назадEnglisch7 Phrasal Verbs to Describe Friends In this post, you’ll learn 7 phrasal verbs for describing friends and helpful tips on using new English...
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4 минутыMehrad 5 лет назадEnglischVocabulary and Collocations By : Carl Ozan Summer 2019 Vocabulary learning is central to language acquisition, but according...
минутаIgnacio Spina5 лет назадSpanischPresente y verbo "ser" al son Jorge Drexler (A1)El presente del indicativo El presente del indicativo es una de las primeras conjugaciones que los profesores...
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5 минутSebastian 7 лет назадSpanisch10 apps que te ayudarán a tener un mejor viajeVivimos en un mundo dominado por la tecnología. Cada día hay nuevas adiciones que buscan hacer nuestra...
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3 минутыOlivia 9 лет назадEnglischWhy Your Accent is Beautiful Want to rid yourself of your accent? Wishing you did not have one? Perhaps read this before you go against...
3 минутыAbdelrhman Tarek5 лет назадArabisch3 Steps To Become Fluent In your target language | 2020 Goals ✅ 3 Steps To Become Fluent In your target language | 2020 Goals ✅ becoming a fluent (for example ENGLISH)...