3 steps to Learn Arabic through stories even if you can't read Arabic!
Hay everyone,
In this article I am bringing you a way to learn Arabic through stories even if you can't read Arabic
I brought you story that I translated myself in to Arabic Amaya, and also wrote the sound of the Arabic words to you,
So all you need to do is to
Read the story in English understand very well and focus on every single word
Read the Mixed Arabic English story, you will find English, Arabic then Arabic sound sentences it that order
Read the Arabic Only story and see if you can read and understand it all
Keep doing that and you will be able to read the Arabic story easily
The story in English only
The Goose with the Golden Eggs
الوزة الي بتبيض دهب
El waza eky btbyyd dahab
Once upon a time, a man and his wife had the good fortune to have a goose which laid a Golden egg every day. Lucky though they were, they soon
began to think they were not getting rich fast enough
They imagined that if the bird must be able to lay golden eggs, its insides must be made of gold.
And they thought that if they could get all that precious metal at once, they would get mighty rich very soon.
So the man and his wife decided to kill the bird
However, upon cutting the goose open (Slaughter), they were shocked to find that its innards were like that of any other goose!
MORAL: THINK BEFORE YOU ACT, don’t rush things
The story in English and Arabic
The Goose with the Golden Eggs
الوزة الي بتبيض دهب
El waza eky btbyyd dahab
Once upon a time, a man and his wife had the good fortune to have a goose which laid a
كان ياما كان, راجل ومراتة كان من حظهم الحلو عندهم وزة بتبيض
kan yama kan, ragel we mrato kan mn 7azohom el 7elw 3ndohom weza btbyd dahab
Golden egg every day. Lucky though they were, they soon began to think they were not getting rich fast enough
بيضة دهب كل يوم, برغم حظهم دا بدؤوا يطمعوا ويدورو علي الثروة بسرعة
Byda dahab kol yoom, br3'm 7azoham da bad2o ytma3a we ydawaro 3la el tharwa bsor3a
They imagined that if the bird must be able to lay golden eggs, its insides must be made of gold.
وفكروا ان لو الطائر بـيـبيـض بيض دهب, يبقي اكيد جواه معمول من دهب
Fakaro an law el ta2r beybyd byda dahab, yb2a akeed gowah mn dahab
And they thought that if they could get all that precious metal at once, they would get mighty rich very soon.
وفكروا اننا ممكن ناخد كل المعدن الغالي "الدهب" مرة واحدة ممكن يكونوا اغنياء بسرعة
We fakaro anna mmkn na7'od kol el ma3dan el 3'aly "el dahab" Mara wahda, mmkn ykono a3'nya besor3a
So the man and his wife decided to kill the bird
وعشان كدا الراجل ومراتوا قرروا يدبحوا الطائر
We 3shan kda el raged we merato kararo ydb7o el ta2r
However, upon cutting the goose open (Slaughter), they were shocked to find that its innards were like that of any other goose!
المهم, بعد ما دبحوا الوزة , اتفجئوا لما لقوا ان جواها كان زي اي وزة عادية !!!
El mohem ba3d ma daba7o el weza, atfg2o lma l2oo an gwaha kan zy ayy weza 3adya!!!
MORAL: THINK BEFORE YOU ACT, don’t rush things
العبرة : فكر قبل ما تعمل اي حاجا , مش تستعجلش الامور
Al 3bra: fakar 2abl ma t3ml ay 7aga, mesh tst3gl el 2omoor
The story in Arabic only
The Goose with the Golden Eggs
الوزة الي بتبيض دهب
El waza eky btbyyd dahab
كان ياما كان, راجل ومراتة كان من حظهم الحلو عندهم وزة بتبيض
kan yama kan, ragel we mrato kan mn 7azohom el 7elw 3ndohom weza btbyd dahab
بيضة دهب كل يوم, برغم حظهم دا بدؤوا يطمعوا ويدورو علي الثروة بسرعة
Byda dahab kol yoom, br3'm 7azoham da bad2o ytma3a we ydawaro 3la el tharwa bsor3a
وفكروا ان لو الطائر بـيـبيـض بيض دهب, يبقي اكيد جواه معمول من دهب
Fakaro an law el ta2r beybyd byda dahab, yb2a akeed gowah mn dahab
وفكروا اننا ممكن ناخد كل المعدن الغالي "الدهب" مرة واحدة ممكن يكونوا اغنياء بسرعة
We fakaro anna mmkn na7'od kol el ma3dan el 3'aly "el dahab" Mara wahda, mmkn ykono a3'nya besor3a
وعشان كدا الراجل ومراتوا قرروا يدبحوا الطائر
We 3shan kda el raged we merato kararo ydb7o el ta2r
المهم, بعد ما دبحوا الوزة , اتفجئوا لما لقوا ان جواها كان زي اي وزة عادية !!!
El mohem ba3d ma daba7o el weza, atfg2o lma l2oo an gwaha kan zy ayy weza 3adya!!!
العبرة : فكر قبل ما تعمل اي حاجا , مش تستعجلش الامور
Al 3bra: fakar 2abl ma t3ml ay 7aga, mesh tst3gl el 2omoor
Remember, read the sounds slowly and easy take it step by step also keep practicing I promise it will teach you a lot
Wait for more stories to come :D
If you have any question just ask me on my verbling account
17. März 2017