2 MinutenSebastian vor 7 JahrenSpanisch3 de las mejores películas en portugués que podrás ver en Netflix para practicar tu vocabulario y entendimiento.Además de hacer tarea o repasar tus apuntes, es importante darte un tiempo extra para seguir practicando...
2 MinutenNadia Camacho vor 6 JahrenSpanischHow to master reflexive verbs in Spanish If you are reading this it’s because you have probably been struggling trying to learn and understand...
4 MinutenKayley da Cunhavor 5 JahrenEnglischDo it! Answer That Phone CallWhat would you do if an English speaking somebody called your phone right now? Would you pick up? If...
3 MinutenGonzalo de la Vega Martínezvor 6 JahrenSpanischHOW TO USE THE SUBJUNCTIVE TENSE IN SPANISH WITHOUT THINKING Most Spanish students have trouble understanding the subjunctive tense in Spanish as well as using...
2 MinutenJeremy Dickinsonvor 5 JahrenEnglisch5 Tips to Improve Your Listening Skills Improving Your Listening Skills We’ve all been there. Whether it’s a commercial on the radio or TV,...
2 MinutenSarah vor 7 JahrenEnglischEasy ways to practice English every dayLearning a language requires regular practice and revision. Learning little and often is more effective...
6 MinutenSuzana Anđelkovićvor 6 JahrenEnglischHow to practice your Serbian during your trip efficiently Hello dear Sirs, how are you? Have you ever dreamed about a possibility to visit a country with super...
3 MinutenKarlie Hansenvor 5 JahrenEnglisch10 Ways to Make Language Learning More Fun Learning a new language can be hard and overwhelming. Sometimes it seems that we need to change everything...
eine MinuteJackie Lunvor 8 JahrenMandarinTop 3 must-have apps in Mandarin LearningToday I am going to recommend 3 must-have apps to any serious Mandarin learners. I have recommended to...
3 MinutenDonovan di Fiorevor 9 JahrenEnglischYou Don't Need to Move Abroad; 4 Ways Immerse Yourself Here at Home! When it comes to language learning it’s clear that the best thing to do is immerse yourself fully...
4 MinutenRyan Soulevor 7 JahrenEnglischDAD! the car was destroyed! - Using the passive voice part one<h2>The Passive Voice</h2> <br> <p>Are you studying the passive voice and have realized that you hate...
eine MinuteDiane Sbihivor 7 JahrenFranzösischPractice your French…playing ! Practice your French… playing ! Practicing French and playing at the same time? Oui, bonne idée! So...