2 MinutenJen Mc Monaglevor 4 JahrenEnglischThe Origins of popular English IdiomsMost native English speakers, myself included, use idioms and expressions on a regular basis. Why do...
2 MinutenJames Brooksvor 6 JahrenEnglischThe Power of Puns A pun is a joke that exploits the different possible meanings of a word or the fact that there are words...
ein paar SekundenElena Merino Riveravor 7 JahrenEnglisch4 WAYS TO EXPRESS IT'S SO HOT IN SPANISH (AND IN SPAIN!)Summer is already here in Spain and this one seems to be a hard one. Madrid, the capital city where I...
eine MinuteAlyson McGowanvor 6 JahrenEnglischAmerican English: Funny Southern Expressions (with translation)I grew up in the American south; in Tennessee to be exact, and the culture there is unlike the culture...