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vor 3 Jahren
(두루높임으로) 앞의 내용에 대해 말하는 사람이 생각한 이유나 원인, 근거를 나타내는 표현.
(informal addressee-raising) An expression used to indicate the speaker's reasoning or the basis for the preceding content.
오늘은 지각하면 안 돼요. 오늘 수업에서 제가 발표를 하거든요.

(두루높임으로) 앞으로 이어질 내용의 전제를 이야기하면서 뒤에 이야기가 계속 이어짐을 나타내는 표현.
(informal addressee-raising) An expression used to express the premise of the following content, indicating that the story continues later.
감기약을 먹었거든요. 그런데도 나아지지를 않네요.

This expression is used to respond to a question or to add to a statement the speaker has already made to provide the reason or thinking behind the answer or statement. The listener has no knowledge of the reason or facts being stated by the speaker. Note that the form - 거든요. is used only in conversation, not in written Korean. Moreover, it is only used among close friends or those on familiar terms with each other. It is not used in formal situations, such as when giving a presentation.