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Which METROPOLIS is closest to your place of birth?

vor 5 Jahren
A large, densely populated urban area is called a metropolis. ...

I was born in a small city about 60 miles away from London. London is a metropolis. I would not define any city as a metropolis with less than 5 million people in the urban area surrounding that city. But there is no strict guideline as the word originated in ancient times when populations were much smaller.

The plural of metropolis is metropoles, but also metropolises. Metropoles is easier to say.

The origin of the word is Greek.

The noun metropolis comes from the Greek roots mētēr, meaning "mother," and pólis, meaning "city." Historically, the word referred to the founding city-state of a region in Ancient Greece. Today the word refers to any urban area.

So, which metropolis are you from? Which is the closest one to you?
Do you prefer the city or the country?