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hace 5 años
Learn Portuguese
Why learn Portuguese and visit Portugal🇵🇹? -Portugal is an important tourist destination in Europe🇪🇺...
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hace 6 años
El verbo SER
The Spanish verb SER is used, for example, to describe people. We use it to express someone's name,...
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hace 4 años
Chino mandarín
汉语多音字这样记- Learn Chinese homograph like this (3)
31、传:《鸿门宴》是汉代传(zhuàn)记,而不是唐代传(chuán)奇。 32、荷:荷(hé)花旁边,站着一位荷(hè)枪实弹的战士。 33、涨:我说她涨(zhǎng)了工资,她就涨(zhàng)红着脸,摇头否认。...
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hace 6 años
Patience is a virtue
You find yourself wanting to learn a new language for various reasons.  Maybe you need to learn a new...
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hace 7 años
I can't do that!
As a child I was always told off when I said "I can't" my Mum or Dad would say "Can't means Won't!" I...