2 分钟Sebastian 7 年前Español3 de las mejores películas en portugués que podrás ver en Netflix para practicar tu vocabulario y entendimiento.Además de hacer tarea o repasar tus apuntes, es importante darte un tiempo extra para seguir practicando...
1 分钟Simão Vieira Simões8 年前Inglés10 words from Arabic roots in the Portuguese language.OK, maybe you know that Portuguese is a language of the latin group of languages, as well as French,...
3 分钟Nathaly Rodríguez7 年前Portugués"Biscoito ou bolacha?" How Portuguese differs across Brazil Portuguese is spoken all over Brazil by 99% of the population. No matter where you go, you will always...
1 分钟Wilane Canuto6 年前PortuguésRecife é o Vale do Silício brasileiroOlá, pessoal! Hoje trago um artigo sobre tecnologia no Brasil. Estou falando da cidade brasileira que...
2 分钟Jéssica Cristina Bettoni Volpato7 年前InglésWhy don't Brazilians look like "Brazilians"?You might be wondering through my picture, how come I am Brazilian if I don’t have a tanned skin nor...
2 分钟María Mercedes Morales Campo 7 年前EspañolFalsos amigos entre Español y PortuguésPor tratarse de lenguas romances, solemos creer que el Portugués y el Español, en escencia, son iguales,...
2 分钟Rafael D.7 年前PortuguésLet’s Party? It’s Carnival in Brazil! Find out more about this exciting party.A considerable part of Brazil's name in the world is related to natural beauties, sports, local traditions...
1 分钟Nathaly Rodríguez7 年前Inglés3 Reasons for Learning PortugueseHave you ever thought about learning a foreign language that sounds beautiful, that is spoken by millions...