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British Culture: ALPHABET (H)

hace 5 años
Hi all!
I'm writing about British culture.
I thought a cool way to introduce some British culture into the Verbling community would be to work through the alphabet and talk about a topic for each letter.

So, for H we are focusing on.....
Hot Cross Buns.


Hot Cross Buns are yeasted sweet buns filled with spices and various fruits such as currants, raisins, and/or candied citrus. They're decorated with a white cross, either marked right into the dough or etched on top with icing and it is this which gives them their strange sounding name.

Hot Cross Buns are traditionally eaten around Easter time. They can be eaten as part of an unhealthy breakfast and also as a snack to go with a cup of tea. They are usually halved, toasted and buttered on the flat side of the bun.

According to most reports, the traditional day to eat Hot Cross Buns is Good Friday. Good Friday is part of the Easter weekend celebrated by Christians. Good Friday, for some, marks the end of Lent. The eating of hot cross buns is significant as it marks the end of Lent because they are made with dairy products which are forbidden during this period.

Hot cross buns are not only rich with flavour but also rich in history. The origins of hot cross buns may go back as far as the 12th century. According to the story, an Anglican monk baked hot cross buns and marked them with a cross in honour of Good Friday. Over time they gained popularity, and eventually became a symbol of Easter weekend.

Fancy making your own?
Here’s a recipe: https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/hot-cross-buns
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