column of bundled nerves
hace 6 años What is the "column of bundled nerves"?
"But the column of bundled nerves that runs down the spine of this story is
not just that Trump took over $400 million from his father and lied for
decades about having built some sort of business empire on his own when
really what he was doing for decades was just cashing his dad`s checks, the
stuff that rings like a bell in this reporting, not just for what you might
have thought about Donald Trump in the past, but for him now, it`s not just
about the lying and the false public persona that became his political
persona when he decided to turn it into that. The tough stuff here is
about crime. It`s about potential criminal fraud and criminal tax evasion
and being on the hook for that even now. That`s next."
Source: http://www.msnbc.com/transcripts/rachel-maddow-show/2018-10-03
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