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Dr. Walt security_checkedFlag
United States
Lessons: 382Students: 22
Online Biblical Hebrew Classes with Dr. Walt Hello and welcome to my online Hebrew lessons, where I teach students to read biblical Hebrew! (Please note: I am not a modern Hebrew teacher; I am an online teacher of biblical Hebrew specifically for reading.) I have a Ph.D. with expertise in the Hebrew Bible and ancient Near Eastern languages. I teach as an online university adjunct and have been involved in research and publication regarding ancient Semitic languages for many years. I specialize in helping students learn biblical Hebrew from the beginner to intermediate level. This includes learning the biblical Hebrew alphabet, identifying biblical Hebrew grammar and vocabulary, understanding the intricacies of the verbal system, and learning to read actual biblical texts. Reading an ancient language is very different from learning to communicate in a living language. To emphasize the recognition of written text, I use a variety of curricula, including introductory grammars lik...
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(Ratings: 226)
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Yitz Ostrovsecurity_checkedFlag
United States
+5 More
Lessons: 2.054Students: 109
HI! I'm an American currently living in Israel, meaning I speak both (American) English and Hebrew fluently. I've been teaching both English and Hebrew for over 10 years, usually in 1x1 settings, both in-person and online. I've been an ESL (English as a second language) Professor's Assistant at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for 3 years, where I taught English in small groups. I've been studying French and Italian over the past few years - meaning I personally know what type of struggle my students go through. I believe that every student needs a tailored approach according to his or her needs. I love telling my students about two identical twins I've taught, and though in theory they should have been on the exact same level and like to use the same methods - the opposite was the truth. Whatever the method is, it will always revolve around the 4 pillars of language learning - reading, writing, speaking and listening.
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(Ratings: 844)

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David Katzsecurity_checkedFlag
+4 More
Lessons: 103Students: 21
Hi, shalom! My name is David. I came from Israel to Germany where I studied at the Goethe university in Frankfurt am Main in Bachelor and Master degree in linguistics. I've been teaching Hebrew for more than 25 years – in private, in many language courses, at the university, where I taught Modern and Biblical Hebrew, and of course also online. I motivate my students to learn Hebrew, because I like very much teaching languages. Depending on for which purpose you need to learn the language, I will tune the learning methods to adapt the study to your needs. So you can either start speaking fast or learn the grammar deeply - it's just up to you to decide! I speak, ask questions, and encourage my students to do the same. I remember that questions can never be stupid. We read stories, newspapers, books, etc. I have the following textbooks: 1. "Ulpan ivrit", which is big and detailed. 2. "Shear ivrit". 3. "Sheat ivrit". 4. Diverse ulpans' scripts. 5. "Complete Modern Hebrew" by Gilboa....
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(Ratings: 72)
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Roni israelisecurity_checkedFlag
+1 More
Lessons: 127Students: 17
Shalom! Hello! Bonjour ! Hola! I'm Roni, I'm a professional teacher with over 9 years of experience teaching Hebrew as a foreign language in different institutions as well as online. I have a degree in Hebrew literature and in musicology from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. I'm a language lover and learner so I really know how to make your learning more effective and more interesting. I adapt my classes according to each student's needs and goals but the thing that never changes Is the emphasis on speaking. In my experience, the key to mastering a language is speaking it as much as possible. That's why you will be speaking from the very beginning and hopefully you will not want to stop! I love teaching through songs, short films and stories. This way you can get to know the culture and not only the words. Let's start! Bonjour Je m'apelle Roni J'ai enseigné l'hébreu pendant 7 ans dans plusieurs "oulpans" et à l'Inalco à Paris. Ma méthode- parler parler et parler ! Mais j...
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(Ratings: 81)
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