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Italian tutors & teachers found: 0

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Giulia Carrozzasecurity_checkedFlag
+3 More
Lessons: 576Students: 37
Hello everybody, My name is Giulia and I’m Italian. I live in a city in the North of Italy, Reggio Emilia, but I have a neutral accent as I’ve been acting in a theatre company for many years and I studied a bit of Italian diction. I have a degree in “European Languages and Cultures” and I’ve worked for many years in companies in the foreign sales department. I started teaching Italian as foreign language in 2014. At first, I began volunteering for an association which was taking care of refugees (mainly from Africa and Middle East) and their needs. I was teaching them Italian as part of their integration process in the territory. Teaching became a passion which I discovered with surprise. I like teaching because while teaching, I learn, and I can use my creativity. Hence, I decided to further my studies and take all necessary certifications to be a professional teacher. I have the following certifications of teaching Italian as foreign language: - DITALS II University of Siena...
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(Ratings: 169)
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Sara Licatasecurity_checkedFlag
+3 More
Lessons: 729Students: 49
Hi! I'm a professional language teacher with several years of teaching experience both in Italy and abroad. I can speak different languages and I love learning languages, understanding different cultures, getting in touch with people, and sharing experiences, hobbies and ideas. I'm passionate about nature and hiking, reading, watching films and documentaries, cooking and exploring every cultural and social aspect. I graduated in Modern Languages with a specialization in Chinese and Asian Cultures. I also took some courses in Teaching Modern Languages and in Teaching Italian as a Foreign Language. I got the CEDILS Certification of teaching Italian to foreign learners and also the TESOL- TEFL Certification of teaching English to foreign people. Thanks to my personal learning experience, I understand the difficulties of learning a new language and I can make it as easy as possible by giving you tips, advice, learning strategies and techniques. My lessons are based on the active use of...
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(Ratings: 433)

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Alice Gsecurity_checkedFlag
+5 More
Lessons: 2.221Students: 113
Hi there, My name is Alice, I am an experienced and certificated teacher. I have DITALS certification of the University of Siena that attests my competence in teaching Italian as a Foreign Language, with focus in the Adult Learners Profile. I am also a CELI examiner and have trained many students to pass the CILS and CELI exams. I'm from central Italy and my accent is neutral but for fun I can imitate for you some of the main regional cadences. I have been teaching Italian as a foreign language for 8 years, to different learners (for age, interests, needs, levels, mother tongue). I do this job with professionality and passion. I'm from Orvieto, a little town in Umbria, I lived in Rome for many years and then I started traveling. I love travelling and getting in touch to other cultures and languages; I have lived for long periods in Brazil, United States, Spain and Thailand. I can speak English, Portuguese, Spanish, a bit of Chinese and French. I studied ancient Greek and Latin in ...
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(Ratings: 1113)
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Tina Bovisecurity_checkedFlag
Lessons: 2.069Students: 95
Hi, My name is Tina and I live in Rome. I have two degrees one in Italian Literature Philosophy and another in Art History. I taught Italian to children of all ages, I really enjoyed teaching but I accepted a job offer to become a civil servant for Rome City Hall, looking after the Roman heritage and becoming the director of the Medicine History Museum of Rome. I have recently retired and with some spare time in my hands, I went back to my true vocation: teaching. I now teach Italian to students whose first language is not Italian. I have students mainly from France, UK, and USA who are, for different reasons, in Italy and need to learn the language. Well, I can't wait to get started! 🙂 🇮🇹
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(Ratings: 866)
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Americo S.security_checkedFlag
+2 More
Lessons: 1.026Students: 64
Ciao 👋 👨🏻‍🏫 🎊 🏠 🤌 🏳️‍🌈 👀✍️⏰💌 I'm 39 and I come from the seaside in the south of Rome. (Currently living between Bologna and Rome). I have a degree in foreign languages and literature and I am CEDILS and TEFL certified. I am a dedicated bilingual Italian L2/LS and ESOL teacher with intercultural experience, excellent communication, and linguistic skills with a proven track record of providing high-quality learning. I assisted students from 37 countries on their language journeys using English and Spanish as the common language. Before becoming a teacher I lived and worked around Europe for 10 years in Italy, the UK, Spain, and Germany. I speak English, Spanish, and a bit of French. MY TEACHING STYLE: As a teacher, I'm empathetic, patient, and flexible. I offer structured and tailored lessons for all levels and purposes in Italian or English. We will functionally practice the language, and have fun, so you'll be more confident with your social life and career. OUR SESSIONS: During the ...
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(Ratings: 445)
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Valentina Pellegrinosecurity_checkedFlag
+1 More
Lessons: 1.043Students: 89
Ciao! 🤌 Passionate about the beauty of Italian language, culture, and heritage? 🛩🌍 Looking to learn Italian for daily life or travel? 🇮🇹📚 Or perhaps you're interested in mastering Italian grammar or preparing for a language test? Look no further! I'm Valentina, an Italian native biologist with a strong passion for teaching! I love teaching and sharing my knowledge with people! I have a dream: share and teach all my knowledge and experience about the biology and the wonderful Italian language to students all around the world! Teaching has always been one of my passions. I'm a passionate lifelong and friendly teacher with more than 5 and half years of teaching experience. In addition to biology lessons, I teach Italian language since January 2019. I started teaching Italian through online platforms to international students from the US, Australia, Canada and Europe. Do you want to learn the Italian culture or would you like to speak Italian soon? I'd be very glad to help you! ...
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(Ratings: 751)
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Michele security_checkedFlag
+3 More
Lessons: 1.076Students: 57
Ciao a tutti, sono Michele e insegno lingua e cultura italiana dal 2011. Sono appassionato di questo lavoro perché mi permette di diffondere la lingua di Dante, di Leonardo da Vinci, di Enzo Ferrari, ma anche di mia nonna, di mio padre a persone che vengono da tutto il mondo e sono innamorate dell'Italia. Questa passione mi ha spinto a fare una formazione specifica per l'insegnamento dell'italiano: ho preso la certificazione CEDILS (Certificazione di Didattica dell'Italiano come Lingua Straniera), poi un master di secondo livello sempre sulla didattica dell'italiano a Venezia e infine il dottorato di ricerca all'Università di Macerata in Didattica delle Lingue straniere. Ho lavorato in tanti contesti, sia in presenza che online, se siete curiosi guardate il mio curriculum. SE DECIDETE DI PRENOTARE UNA LEZIONE DI PROVA Prima di tutto dovrò capire il vostro livello di partenza (non accetto principianti assoluti) poi inzieremo a lavorare in questo modo: - presentazione della tematica d...
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(Ratings: 555)
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Arianna di Nardosecurity_checkedFlag
+1 More
Lessons: 1.190Students: 62
In love with the Italian language? I can help you learn it in an easy, fun and customized way so you will finally understand it and speak it fluently fast without stressing too much! 👉🏼 Visit my website https://italianlanguagecoach.com ✨ --- 🇮🇹 VERSIONE ITALIANA --- Ciao! Mi chiamo Arianna, ho 28 anni e vivo nel centro Italia. Sono laureata in Lingue e Letterature Straniere e in Comunicazione e Marketing. Parlo italiano, inglese, spagnolo e francese. Amo le lingue straniere, leggere, viaggiare, ballare e insegnare... ma soprattutto imparare! Sono un'insegnante di salsa e bachata e sono appassionata di crescita personale. 😊 Ho frequentato un Master in Coaching: con le mie lezioni ti aiuterò non solo ad imparare la lingua che desideri, ma sarò anche il tuo coach personale, ti aiuterò a trovare la tua motivazione, stabilire e raggiungere con successo i tuoi obiettivi. Vedrai che se sarai costante nelle lezioni, raggiungerai presto il livello di italiano che desideri senza nemmeno ren...
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(Ratings: 693)
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Andrea Mirandasecurity_checkedFlag
+2 More
Lessons: 1.207Students: 60
Hello, CIAO 🇮🇹 My name is Andrea and I am a professional native Italian teacher. I was born in the south and I live in Rome, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. I love my job and I love to meet people from all over the world. I graduated from University of Rome “La Sapienza” in 2008. Over the past years I lived in Los Angeles and then London, where I started to give Italian lessons in 2013. I teach all ages and all levels. I teach children, students at school and university, professionals, artists, other teachers and colleagues. During my course it's possible to learn and practice grammar, reading, writing, oral and written production, conversation, listening, written and oral comprehension, standard Italian pronunciation. I am an expert in standard Italian diction and I also teach native Italian speakers pronunciation and accent reduction. If you like, we can practice several Italian dialects! Moreover, together we can prepare your school/business presentations and wor...
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(Ratings: 685)
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Ivana Barrilisecurity_checkedFlag
+4 More
Lessons: 660Students: 53
I'm Ivana and I'm Italian! I live between Spain and Italy! I speak Italian, English, Spanish, German and a little French too. I love to travel and change my perspective, so I can better understand other cultures. I have been teaching Italian for ten years with great passion! I have a degree in Linguistics, Technology, and Didactic Languages, and I'm a lover of new technology! So I decided to join my passions and create dynamic and original lessons that are fun and perfect in online mode. Another passion? Photography, reading, nature, and art! My teaching method consists of dynamic lessons built on real and authentic experiences to guarantee maximum communication for students. For me, speaking to people is an essential part of any communication process. But I organize my lessons into tasks like comprehension, reading, and writing. Together we can improve your linguistic skills and improve your fluency in Italian! =)
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(Ratings: 373)
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Luca Di Diosecurity_checkedFlag
+3 More
Lessons: 701Students: 48
Luca Di Dio, sposato con 4 figli, insegnante... da sempre! Amo la lingua e la cultura italiana e insegnare è il mio lavoro e la mia passione. Certificazione CEDILS, Master Itals, PHD, tutto in Didattica della Lingua e Cultura italiana a stranieri. Da oltre 20 anni insegno italiano come LS e ho pubblicato anche diversi libri che sono nati dalle mie lezioni. Lavoro sempre in lingua italiana e aiuto gli studenti a imparare la lingua "attraverso la lingua". Mi occupo soprattutto di comunicare la cultura italiana e la vita, la storia, l'arte, la letteratura del Bel Paese. Da 20 anni, i miei studenti non imparano la lingua... FANNO ESPERIENZA DELLA LINGUA ITALIANA!
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(Ratings: 391)
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Diego Roncatisecurity_checkedFlag
+1 More
Lessons: 1.145Students: 53
Hi! My name is Diego, I’m Italian and I live in Lima, Peru. In the past I lived in Italy, where I worked as an Italian teacher during more than 8 years. Now I work at the Italian Culture Institute of Lima. Teaching Italian language is my passion. I’m graduated in Contemporary History and I have CEDILS and DITALS 2 Certificates, which allows me to teach Italian to foreign students. During my lessons we can make conversations, learn about pronunciation, communicative aspects and grammar. My method of teaching is communicative and I can adapt me to every student necessity. Ciao a tutti, sono Diego, sono italiano e vivo a Lima in Perù. Nel passato ho vissuto in Italia dove ho lavorato come insegnante di italiano per più di 8 anni. Attualmente lavoro all'istituto Italiano di cultura di Lima e l'insegnamento della lingua italiana è la mia passione. Ho una laurea in Storia Contemporanea e le certificazioni Cedils e Ditals 2 per l'insegnamento della lingua italiana a stranieri. Durante l...
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(Ratings: 579)
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