2 minutesLian Hongil y a 6 ansAnglaisNow that Globish is thriving in the business world. Is good English pronunciation necessary? If you are an advanced English learner, you'll benefit significantly from having the subtler aspects...
2 minutesSebastian il y a 7 ansEspagnolCinco consejos que te ayudarán a estudiar mejor¿Necesitas optimizar tu tiempo de estudio? ¿O tal vez usar herramientas para aprender mejor? Centrarse...
4 minutesSebastian il y a 7 ansEspagnol10 países alrededor del mundo y sus diferentes hábitos de citasLo que se considera un comportamiento apropiado y educado en un país, puede considerarse como una falta...
une minuteSofia il y a 4 ansPortugaisConjuntivo em Português O conjuntivo é o modo que exprime a acção (ainda) não realizada, hipotética ou irreal. É o modo através...
3 minutesKolby il y a 6 ansAnglaisHacks for the Past Tense "ED" Pronunciation in EnglishTips and Tricks for Easier "-ed" Pronunciation Whether your language learning experience has been "easy"...
3 minutesElma Janeth Perea il y a 5 ansEspagnolColombia, el paraíso de las frutasSí, es cierto. Colombia tiene un delicioso café, su gente es incomparablemente amable, Cartagena es una...
2 minutesVerbling il y a 9 ansAnglais5 Differences Between American and British English Written by guest contributor Anna Gale While both versions of the language have the same roots,...
une minute🏅 Mark D 🚀 Personalised 🎵SONGS🎵 based on your errors | Corporate English | English with Life Coaching | English for Introverts | AI exercises | Since 2007 🏆il y a 7 ansAnglais3 common errors involving modal verbsThe vast majority of my students in 10 years of teaching English have been Spanish speaking, mainly from...
3 minutesRemoved Removedil y a 5 ansEspagnol¿CÓMO APRENDEMOS? Seguro te has preguntado en algún momento de tu vida ¿cómo aprendes? O mejor dicho ¿cómo hace tu cerebro...
2 minutesTyson L.il y a 9 ansAnglaisMastering an English Homophone: Segue vs SegwayHave you noticed how popular personal transportation devices have become in the last decade? Segways...
2 minutesMuhammad Arslanil y a 4 ansOurdouBenefits of learning Urdu Language It is sometimes a hard decision to decide which new foreign language to learn. Why not choose Urdu? For...
2 minutesDavid Gilbeyil y a 5 ansAnglais5 Tips to learn English fast! 1. Routine, you will hear this a lot here, and likely everywhere else. You cannot learn a language...