Én Gábor vagyok. És te ki vagy? - Tips to help you start learning Hungarian - Part 2
Sziasztok! Gábor vagyok. Magyar vagyok. Nem tanuló vagyok, hanem tanár a Verblingen. 24 éves vagyok, Budapestről. (Try guessing what these sentences mean, the solution is at the end of the article.) 🙂
In my previous discussion, I gave you some tips about using “to be” in Hungarian. You only have to know some nouns, adjectives and question words to start having a conversation - even with a native speaker.
However, you can make your sentences more colorful and complex by involving the so-called “conjunctions”. This way, you can create longer and more logical sentences. One of our most frequently used conjunctions is “hanem”, which means “but” when making corrections.
Do you think I am English? Nah… I am not English, I'm Hungarian. In English, you would put “but” in the sentence, but not every “but” means hanem. It is only used after a “nem” statement.
- Nem angol vagyok, hanem magyar. / I am not English, but Hungarian.
- Ő nem magas, hanem alacsony. / He is not tall, but short.
- Ez nem egy új tévé, hanem egy régi laptop. / This is not a new TV, but an old laptop.
Try creating your own sentences with “hanem”, and put them in the comments section - I will have a look at them. 🙂
On my next discussion, we can start putting some salt in our speech: verbs! Check in to see the endless possibilities of creating sentences!
I am looking forward to reading your comments. Until next time, stay tuned and have a blissful day. 🙂
PS: If you would like to start learning Hungarian, I also offer lessons to students. You can check my teacher profile on the following link. 🙂
Solution: Hi all. I am Gábor. I am Hungarian. I am not a student, but a teacher on Verbling. I am 24 years old from Budapest.
5 août 2020