Talk about interests in Chinese
Interests and Hobbies
xìng qù hé ài hǎo
兴 趣 和 爱 好
1. Nǐ yǒu shén me xìng qù hé ài hǎo ne?
你 有 什 么 兴 趣 和 爱 好 呢?
What interests or hobbies do you have?
2. Wǒ cóng xiǎo jiù xǐhuan yīn yuè
我 从 小 就 喜欢 音 乐。
I have been fond of music from my childhood.
3. Yè yú shí jiān nǐ zuò shén me ne?
业 余 时 间 你 做 什 么 呢?
What do you do in your spare time?
4. Wǎnshang yǒu shí kàn diàn shì, yǒu shí kàn bào zhǐ huò zá zhì.
晚 上 有 时 看 电 视,有 时 看 报 纸 或 杂 志。
Sometimes I watch TV, sometimes read newspapers or magazines in the evening.
5. Wǒ jīng cháng zài zhōu mò qù jiāo wài huà huà.
我 经 常 在 周 末 去 郊 外 画 画。
I usually go to countryside for painting on the weekend.
6. Wǒ xǐhuan tǐ yù, yóu qí ài kàn zú qiú bǐ sài.
我 喜 欢 体 育,尤 其 爱 看 足 球 比 赛
I like sports, especially watching football games.
跳舞(tiào wǔ), Dancing. 唱歌(chàng gē), singing.
游泳(yóu yǒng), swimming. 钓鱼(diào yú), fishing.
阅读(yuè dú), reading. 写作(xiě zuò), writing.
狩猎 (shòu liè), hunting.
23 octobre 2019