2 minutesMs.Róisín Delaney5 years agoIngleseThe use of TPR in English Language learning.TPR is an approach to teaching a second language, based on listening linked to physical activities. According...
2 minutesManuel 8 years agoSpagnolo3 consejos para mejorar tu nivel de españolHola, mi nombre es Manuel, soy profesor de idiomas desde hace 10 años. He trabajado en centros de enseñanza...
a minuteBrandi Forte5 years agoInglese"How Do I Say That Again?"-Refining PronunciationPronunciation makes me think of a warm up that many actors and singers do: and it makes sense because...
3 minutesSam Hutchison6 years agoIngleseWinter Expressions / idioms Hi Everyone! I hope winter isn't too bad where you are! Here are some expressions and idioms linked...
2 minutesMaría Encalada6 years agoSpagnolo10 Tips para aprender español 1. Tómalo en serio, fíjate como meta hablar español como un nativo. Hay varias personas que lo han...
3 minutesIrina Khlynova6 years agoRussoIt’s impossible to know everything, but it’s important to know what you need. Russian verb “знать” When you learn a foreign language, it’s of big importance to get familiar with verbs and be able to...
a minuteFrancesca Palazzo5 years agoItalianoItalian slang wordsSometimes little things matter, like the italian slang small words! If you 've already been in Italy...
a few secondsElisabetta Maccani5 years agoItaliano15 Modi di dire con CAVOLO - 15 ITALIAN SLANG Expressions with CABBAGE - 15 Formas de decir con REPOLLOITALIANO Conosci lo SLANG ITALIANO? Sai che utilizziamo spesso la parola CAVOLO? In questo video ti spiegherò...
a minuteRyan Soule6 years agoIngleseWhy is learning English important for you? - how you're motivated.What drives you? This is the first thing that I try to learn when I meet a new student. Motivation is...
2 minutesLydia de la Guía5 years agoSpagnolo¡Aprende idiomas sin miedo! ¡Hola a todos y todas! En este pequeño artículo me gustaría contaros mi experiencia y daros algún...
2 minutesNAS CELTA certified 5 years agoIngleseGRAMMAR MATTERSImproving your IELTS score with the use of Grammar. According to the Criteria and requirements for...
a few secondsEriko Kasai6 years agoGiapponeseJLPT N1 KANJI 漢字「応」 みなさん、こんにちは。絵里子です。 今日もJLPT N1レベルの漢字の勉強をしていきましょう。 今日の漢字は「応」です。 それではまず読み方をみていきましょう。 音読みは「オウ」、訓読みは「こた-える」です。...