3 minutiKarlie Hansen5 anni faInglese10 Ways to Make Language Learning More Fun Learning a new language can be hard and overwhelming. Sometimes it seems that we need to change everything...
4 minutiBlair 9 anni faInglese4 Tips for Learning Languages the "Lazy" Way When Travelling or Living in a Foreign Country Students often make the mistake of believing they are too "lazy" to learn to speak a foreign language,...
4 minutiChiara 9 anni faIngleseThe Importance of Making Mistakes Nobody likes to be wrong. Nobody wants to look stupid. That’s why learning a foreign language can...
2 minutiCharles 7 anni faIngleseHow To Improve Your English Writing - Sentence OptionsHow To Improve Your English Writing - Sentence Options <br> Writing in a foreign language gives many...
3 minutiAmanda Catron6 anni faIngleseYOU ARE NOT ALONE Do you get nervous, anxious, or scared when speaking your second language? YOU ARE NOT ALONE! This...
un minutoIvette Juarez7 anni faSpagnoloTips para mejorar tu pronunciación en españolEs verdad que hay personas que pueden estudiar de manera autónoma, es decir que no necesitan un profesor...
3 minutiDonovan di Fiore9 anni faIngleseYou Don't Need to Move Abroad; 4 Ways Immerse Yourself Here at Home! When it comes to language learning it’s clear that the best thing to do is immerse yourself fully...
2 minutiGabrielle 7 anni faInglese5 "Must Know's" for traveling to the USA!Hello- I am from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the USA. I have been traveling around the world and within...
un minutoYolanda De La Fuente7 anni faSpagnoloDiferencias en el uso de los artículos en español: indefinidos versus definidosEn español usamos artículos definidos o indefinidos delante de sustantivos. El artículo definido tiene...
3 minutiVerbling 9 anni faIngleseForget About Fluency: Rethinking Your Language Learning Experience Fluency: The ability to speak or write a foreign language easily and accurately. Proficiency: A high...
4 minutiRyan Soule7 anni faIngleseDAD! the car was destroyed! - Using the passive voice part one<h2>The Passive Voice</h2> <br> <p>Are you studying the passive voice and have realized that you hate...
4 minutiRyan Soule7 anni faIngleseDad! the car was destroyed! - Using the passive voice part two<h2>The Passive Voice</h2> <br> <p> Do you remember the story about time I destroyed my dad’s car? When...