breakfast culture in China
5 anni fa嗨,大家好,我是来自Verbling的汉语老师Sophie。今天我和大家分享一下中国的早餐文化。中国的早餐品种很多,比较有名的早餐是广式早点,人们称之为早茶。通常是老年人在早茶店里,一边看报纸或者和好友聊聊天,一边吃早点。而对于年轻人来说,由于要上班,没有时间吃丰盛的早点,只能在一些早点店里买一些方便携带的早餐了,比如包子,油条,煎饼,豆浆之类的。
Hi, everybody, this is mandarin teacher Sophie from Verbling. Today, I’m going to share the breakfast culture here in China. There are many kinds of breakfasts, and Cantonese breakfast is very famous. People call it zǎo chá. Usually, It’s the elder people who have time to enjoy it, meanwhile, reading newspapers, or chatting with friends. Young people, who have to rush to work, just grab some breakfast from the convenient store. They usually have bun, fried dough stick, pancake or soil bean milk etc. for breakfast.