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21 $
Rebecca Kemmer

+ 2
Lezioni: 600Studenti: 91
Having grown up in a very multi-cultural environment (German, Brazilian and American) and having travelled a bit around the world, I've collected many stories and culture tips as I went. 😊
I have a background in Business and have been teaching German, English and Portuguese for 7 years. I started tutoring Business English at a university in Germany, which I then continued doing online, as well as preparing students for job interviews and for German and English proficiency tests. I also have experience teaching children and teens and love connecting with them! As a translator, I have done live translations at a corporation's RH training and at a 5000-people event, which helped me to practice fast-thinking skills and develop the ability to explain a topic in different ways.
I am really passionate about exchanging with people, seeing their evolution and, more than anything, being a part of this process! I work my hardest to get to know my student and teach a class that is interestin...
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