1分Seray Çörekçi4年前英語How Could You Benefit from Extra Free Time (With less income)?Learn a new language This one seems pretty obvious. But how could you do that, especially if you lost...
3分Cintia Zapata6年前スペイン語¡Cuidado! El mismo español, pero con muchos significados En toda Latinoamérica hay un sinnúmero de dialectos. Entonces, presta mucha atención porque un error...
数秒Ilaria 6年前イタリア語Cartolina da Lisbona!Ciao amici di verbling! Tanti saluti da Lisbona! Sono arrivata in Portogallo 3 mesi fa e ed ho incominciato...
4分John Angelori5年前英語Virtual Daily Lives and the Corona VirusThe water may be deeper than its ever been Never drown ...
数秒Margarita 5年前スペイン語Trabaja con español ¿Dónde practicar español? Por supuesto que en el trabajo! Después de todo, este es el método más efectivo:...
3分Charlotte Louise 6年前英語What exactly is the CEFR (Common European Framework of Languages)? 1. What is the Common European Framework (CEF)? The Common European Framework is a common reference...
2分Azumi Ohara5年前スペイン語¿Cómo estructurar mis rutinas de estudio? ¡Hola a tod@s! Soy Azumi, enseño japonés en Verbling. Me alegra informarles que todos mis tres alumnos...
数秒Letha Mazibuko4年前英語Labour day vocabLabor day Vocab Job - Positions in one's occupation or employment Worker - Person who works Wage -...
5分Erika D'Urso5年前イタリア語Lessico base sul LAVORO (JOB)If you are looking for a job or if you are going to work for an Italian company... This is for you 😘...
1分Zowee 5年前英語Why Learning a Language is like Yoga... Have you ever tried yoga? Did you find it easy? Probably not – at least at first: Was your body used...
1分Irina Khlynova6年前英語Learning a language is the way to a new you Learning a language that you haven’t spoken since you were born could be an art. You are creating...
数秒nancy zhou6年前中国語常见多音字总结常见多音字总结 1、都:①dōu都是、都对;②dū首都、都市 2、为:①wéi 为人、作为;②wèi因为、为什么 3、降:①jiànɡ降落;②xiánɡ投降 4、背:①bēi背包、背书包、背着;②bèi背景、背书、背心...