1分Fiona Oates5年前英語50 linking words to use in academic writingIt’s very common for students to use long words they don’t understand very well in their essays and theses...
2分Writing Coach Phil5年前英語5 great YouTube channels to follow for learning EnglishDo you like to learn through short, informative videos? Well these channels might be for you. I recently...
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1分Ludivine Bon5年前フランス語Mes 6 techniques pour apprendre une langue 😊Bonjour, Pour ce nouvel article, voici mes astuces et liens utiles pour vous aider à l'apprentissage...
1分Hugh Elliott5年前英語What are techniques to use to easily learn a language faster?There are perhaps countless techniques you can use. Which you choose depends on your personal preferences...
2分Ursula Nugent5年前英語Speech Shadowing Technique 5 Ways to improve your Speech with the Shadowing Technique The American profesor Alexander Arguelles...
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数秒Bridie Jackson5年前英語Are you looking to offer a helping hand? Teachers keen to share their skills with refugees can now do so via Verbling´s platform. Here is the...
1分Drew Peterson5年前英語Listening and pronunciation are more important than you think. Let’s be real with each other. When people speak with a good accent in a foreign language and they can...
数秒André Gouveia6年前ポルトガル語Diferença entre emigrante e imigranteAs palavras emigrante e imigrante podem ser facilmente confundidas graças à sua grafia semelhante e de...
2分Mary 6年前英語Lying Vocabulary We know that lying is wrong, but we all do it from time to time! Here is some useful vocabulary...
2分Rakesh ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5年前英語HIDDEN MESSAGES IN THE LOGOSADIDAS There is no denying that the latest Adidas logo is very eye-catching. The company made it into...