2分Gabrielle 8年前英語Look here...hear! How do you know... or no?Understanding what makes the English language one of the most difficult languages to learn: As an English...
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1分Aisling Yeoman7年前英語Pronunciation is Tough Pronunciation is Tough Could English pronunciation be one of the most difficult? I am currently learning...
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1分Temeika 8年前英語Three Ways To Sing Your Way to a New Language! Do you want to learn a language with ease? What if the words you wanted to know rolled right off of your...
1分Mark 5年前英語So.. You Want to Lose Your Accent.Don't. Before we get into the pros and cons of losing one's accent, let me tell you a short story of...
1分Jackson Kerchis7年前英語7 Weird English Expressions - 7 Expressões Inglesas Estranhas - 7 Expresiones Inglesas RarasEnglish is a strange language. Let's take a look at seven of the strangest expressions in the English...
1分Charlotte Louise 5年前英語3 rules to adding a new habit to your life.... like learning a new language!Due to the current situation, it seems like a lot of people have been taking up new habits. Myself for...
数秒Alessandra Pavanello 6年前イタリア語Forma di cortesia In italiano ci si rivolge a una persona in due forme diverse: con il tu, usando cioè la seconda persona...
3分Verbling 9年前英語New Year, New You Written by guest contributor Ted Meyer With the New Year just around the corner, millions of people...
3分Nikki 9年前英語How to Get a High Score on the TOEFL Writing SectionThe great part about the writing section of the TOEFL is that you can generally predict what it will...