数秒🏅 Mark D 🚀 Personalised 🎵SONGS🎵 based on your errors | Corporate English | English with Life Coaching | English for Introverts | AI exercises | Since 2007 🏆6年前英語THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 'ALL' AND 'EVERYTHING' ‘All’ and ‘everything’ both suggest generally the same: totality. ‘All’ suggests the wholeness of...
3分Sam Gun8年前英語Triple your English learning speed for Free!Learning English is one of the most important skills you can develop in life purely because it is considered...
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2分Fran Sánchez Díaz8年前スペイン語El español para fines especificos de negociosINTRODUCCION Las palabras conservan el poder de decir tanto más sobre el hablante como sobre el mensaje...
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2分Anna 8年前ロシア語Russian Language "False Friends": Don't Be Fobbed off!Everyone, who studies a foreign language, sooner or later faces with so-called "false friends”: words...
数秒Gary Brook6年前英語Can You Guess The Meanings Of These New English Words ?English is a language which is always changing. Here is a video with some words which have recently...
1分Ricardo González8年前英語How to talk like a Spanish person... with Spanish slang.Hei! have you learned Spanish during last year? Do you feel prepared to meet Spanish people? Have you...
2分Julia Poorvu5年前英語What It’s Like to Go to a Language Exchange in EuropeWhat It’s Like to Go to a Language Exchange in Europe Reflecting back now among the Covid-19 pandemic,...