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1分🏅 Mark D 🚀 Personalised 🎵SONGS🎵 based on your errors | Corporate English | English with Life Coaching | English for Introverts | AI exercises | Since 2007 🏆6年前英語THE VERB 'COOK' IS NOT USED FOR FOOD MADE WITH FLOUR PREPARED IN AN OVEN: Students in my English classes unfortunately wrongly use 'cook' when flour-based food items are prepared...
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1分Julia Rozhkova6年前ロシア語Я танцую! Conjugation of imperfective verbs with suffixes -ОВА and -ЕВА. Have you ever thought why we say in Russian: - «Я хочу танцЕВАть», но «Я танцУю» (НЕ «танцеваю»)...
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