Small talk difficult???

Small talk difficult???

A lot of people find making small talk challenging and feel discouraged to try. Here are a few tips to help you make small talk with anyone you meet.

1. Share details
When someone asks, "How are you" don't just say, "I'm fine..." Say for example, "I feel a bit sleepy because I slept late last night binge watching Game of Thrones and you?" Then the other person will likely ask you which season you are watching or talk about the series characters.

If someone asks about your work and hobbies, don't just say the name of your job or hobby - give an example of something you did recently, for example, "I participated in a triathlon during the weekend.

2. Don't only talk about yourself.
Ask questions and listen to the answers. Also try to remember the answers so you can talk about them later.

The easiest and usually least sensitive questions are about family, jobs, hobbies and dreams. Try to think of some questions on these topics and try use them when you meet some one and engage in small talk. "Wh-" questions are best: whom what, why, where and how. For example, "why did you move to New York?" Avoid talking about the weather, it a topic that leads nowhere and shows how you are trying to hard to converse.

3. Don't just ask questions. You don't want to sound like an investigator by asking too many questions. A good rule to follow is: "one question, two statements."

For example, if someone says, "I am from London," you can say, "Oh! I've never been to London, but I heard it looks beautiful! Do you travel back home often?"

4. Bring knowledge and look for more. It's important to read books and watch news because people enjoy talking about what's going on in the world and how it affects their lives.
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