4分John Colt7年前英語5 English Mistakes that are Common in American TVNative English speakers are not perfect. We all make mistakes occasionally, even British people like...
3分Martina Pérez7年前スペイン語Ser y Estar - Ayuda para entender mejor su uso Una de las mayores dificultades que os abordan para usar correctamente el español como lengua...
2分Janelle - IELTS/Business English/Writing Expert6年前英語The Present Perfect Tense The Present Perfect Tense This year I want to focus my blogs on your needs and all the parts of English...
4分Ilene Springer5年前英語Make Grammar Less Painful When you were a young child and you said your very first words, such as "I want cookie,” your parents...
3分Michael Cohn6年前英語"Stand" vs. "Stand Up": What's The Difference?What is the difference between “stand” and “stand up”? Why do we use the phrase “stand up” at all?...
3分Santiago Gallego Villa 7年前スペイン語The Use of Definite Articles in Spanish Why do we say “el” instead of “la” for things without gender? The right use of definite articles in...
3分Donovan Murphy6年前スペイン語Cómo traducir "ya" correctamente al inglésComo angloparlante viviendo en un país hispanohablante, oigo varias interpretaciones del inglés en el...
1分Darren 6年前英語A Visit to the New Forest for the New Year. My first visit of the New Year was to a National Park in the UK called the New Forest. Today's forest...
3分Santiago Gallego Villa 7年前スペイン語The Reflexive Verbs in SpanishWhen and How do we use the reflexive verbs? The Reflexive verbs are used when the action is performed...
8分John Colt7年前英語Understanding the Perfect TensesIn this post you will learn about the connection between the present perfect, past perfect and future...
数秒Darren 4年前英語Always + Present ContinuousShe's always complaining about the weather! always + doing something Adverbs of frequency usually indicate...
数秒Erika SF8年前スペイン語El Subjuntivo y las conjuncionesMuchos de vosotros tendréis multitud de dudas sobre el uso del Subjuntivo (y lo pongo en mayúsculas porque...