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The opportunity found in a mistake

Hi All,
How often do we feel embarrassed when we make an obvious language or grammar mistake?
Even us teachers do it sometimes, we open our mouths to speak and after we speak... silence.

I think this happens to everybody when learning a language, or even if you are a native speaker, and in these moments there are great teaching opportunities. I use them t explain to my students why I made the mistake, and what I was thinking at the time. If my student made the mistake, I never interrupt their speaking, I wait for them to finish then correct.
These kinds of corrections are usually fun, especially if I'm correcting myself, as it creates a lighthearted atmosphere where everyone feels that mistakes are good, and a part of the learning process.

How do you want to be corrected? or how do you correct students? I'm curious to see what you think as teachers and students.

Have a great weekend!!!
