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Tip for a long-term vocabulary learning process

Ever felt discouraged in your process of learning German? Like you're just not evolving and there's much to be done to reach fluency?

Don't forget: Baby steps.
Slowly, but steadily, you reach your language goals by doing brick by brick work. No overnight success stories. No miracle.

I always recommend to my students what I am about to recommend to you:

Learn 2 or 3 words everyday. Write them down on a notebook. If you can, write a sentence with each so you can get them in context. At the end of the week, revise the words you learned that week and at the end of the month, revise the words of the month.

How many words will you have learned in 6 months - how many in a year? =)

Languages are about resilience - never forget that.

For more tips such a this one, just book a class with me =D