1분Ignacio Spina5년 전스페인어Presentarse en 3, 2, 1... - A1How to introduce yourself in Spanish? Well, in this article I will try to help you to introduce yourself...
2분Juan Balam7년 전영어5 Reasons why you should definitely learn SpanishAre you learning Spanish? Why? There are a lot of reasons and all of them are worthy. Maybe, because...
몇 초Frida Amaranta Díaz de León Morales5년 전스페인어Usos del verbo SerA menudo veo que este verbo causa un poco de confusión, así que en está corta lectura les diré los usos...
1분Nadiia Olefirenko5년 전러시아어90 words of the Russian language that you know for sure! 1. Astronom - астроном 2. Ballet - балет 3. Band - банда 4. Bank - банк 5. Basketball - баскетбол...
2분Rafael D.7년 전포르투갈어Let’s Party? It’s Carnival in Brazil! Find out more about this exciting party.A considerable part of Brazil's name in the world is related to natural beauties, sports, local traditions...
몇 초Jerry Smith8년 전영어Words of Courtesy When Making RequestsIn every language there are words of courtesy. Courtesy helps people connect and creates a more peaceful...
1분Jesselya Zamora7년 전영어Preterite or Imperfect?Preterite and imperfect, both verbs can be used in Spanish depending upon the meaning. Take a look at...
1분Nadya C7년 전영어What Is Your Learning Style For Spanish? Once you have committed to start a new language you may feel overwhelm on how to start this process....
2분Fiona Oates5년 전영어Is English just a weird language?Is English "weird"? Many of us might feel this is true when we're trying to explain the complex spelling...
3분Suzana Anđelković7년 전영어Why should you learn on VERBLINGGreetings to all of you, VERBLING folks, My name is Suzana Anđelković. I'm a manager (professional...
몇 초子涵 于6년 전중국어[YouTube 映画 シェア]中国語話者にとって、中国語検定試験(TOCFL)で満点を取るのが簡単ですか? Is It Easy to Get A Full Mark As A Chinese Native Speaker In TOCFL?【検証】台湾人なら、中国語検定試験(TOCFL)で満点とれるでしょう!?(前編)│台灣人可以在中文檢定裡拿到滿分的吧!?(前篇) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POaOeRJ_j2c...
3분Sebastian 7년 전스페인어5 tableros de Pinterest para diseñar un currículo creativo El CV es la primer y más importante carta de presentación, con la que te muestras al mundo laboral, de...