5분Daniela Alcantara7년 전스페인어El español está de moda en China“El español está de moda en China”, señala optimista Inma González Puy, directora del Instituto Cervantes...
1분Zhijuan Liu7년 전중국어How to speak Chinese fluently and naturally?Unlike English and other language that can be traced back through latin and greek ,Chinese language has...
몇 초Shirley YANG4년 전영어汉语多音字这样记- Learn Chinese homograph like this (4)41、数:两岁能数(shǔ)数(shù)的小孩,已数(shuò)见不鲜了。 42、恶:这条恶(è)狗,真可恶(wù),满身臭味,让人闻了就恶(ě)心。 43、便:局长大腹便便(pián),行动不便(biàn)。...
4분Анна 9년 전러시아어Learn The Russian Alphabet"Русский язык! Тысячелетия создавал народ это гибкое, пышное, неисчерпаемо богатое, умное, поэтическое...
1분Jason B6년 전영어Bloom´s Taxonomy for Digital LearningBloom´s taxonomy gives teachers one distinctive advantage, it makes us think and rethink about our online...
1분Esther Polo5년 전스페인어Diferencias entre Ay, Hay y AhíEn español hay muchas palabras que se pronuncian igual pero tienen significados diferentes, a estas palabras...
2분Camilo Eduardo Villamil5년 전스페인어Inteligencia Emocional La vida es como un juego y su propósito es solo uno... Todos nosotros nacemos en diferentes condiciones...
3분Silvia 5년 전이탈리아어Podcast - Italiando Storie - Arlecchino PODCAST - Italiando Storie https://open.spotify.com/episode/3VjLOrIV28EDD2aOcKVbu3 Episodio 2...
1분Andrea Gutíerrez5년 전스페인어En esta Semana Santa Hoy a visperas de iniciar la Semana Santa, feligreses de todas partes del mundo se encuentran en casa...
몇 초Stefano 8년 전영어8 unusual (but very lovely) Italian wordsEveryone knows, the Italian language is the heir of the ancient latin, spoken by romans throughout Europe...
1분Dorian Dwyer8년 전영어3 Ways to Improve Your ListeningAre you having a hard time understanding conversations when you do listening exercises or when you speak...
2분Yanjun Xu4년 전중국어Interesting ways to call someone that you don't know! When we start a conversation, the first thing we always do will be greeting or calling the reciever...