1분Silvia 4년 전이탈리아어ASCOLTARE vs SENTIREASCOLTARE vs SENTIRE 📢 Conoscete la differenza fra questi due verbi? Cominciamo con il dire...
1분Cris CG7년 전스페인어Dificultad del español desde la perspectiva de un hispano hablanteLa lengua española es reconocida como una de las más bellas y sensuales del mundo. Expertos afirman que...
1분Pete Mason5년 전영어How to.....pronounce -ed endings in verbs. You wanted me to look at a few tricky areas of pronunciation. I really understand the problem!...
1분Kion Baughman4년 전영어Learn English FAST by LIVING English!There has been countless times that my online students have asked me... " Teacher, how can I learn English...
1분Tiffany Zhou4년 전영어How to engage students in learning Chinese online as a teacher?How to engage students in learning Chinese online as a teacher? Students should learn Chinese online...
1분Javier Celis Alvarado4년 전스페인어Enseñar o no enseñar gramática, he ahí el dilema...Según recientes investigaciones, como por ejemplo la del lingüista norteamericano Stephen krashen, el...
4분Amy 9년 전영어My Top 3 Most Painful Language-Learning Problems and How I Solved Them When my sister and I were growing up, our dad would quote this see image to us at times of struggle....
몇 초Ana Paula Vieira Barge4년 전포르투갈어Uso da Denotação x Conotação It is important to know how to use denotation and connotation in the learning process of a foreign...
2분Jerry Smith8년 전영어Stop Studying English -- Use It! Yes, that's right.... My advice is that you stop studying English and use it! During my time as an...
몇 초YUKIKO Abe-Guerreiro5년 전일본어思い出のサン・フランシスコ ALOHA, everyone! こんにちは。 さて、先日(せんじつ)、サン・フランシスコにいる生徒(せいと)さんとのレッスンがありました。 この生徒さんのご主人(しゅじん)は、日本人です。彼女は日本語を話せるように(はなせるように)なりたいのですが、家(いえ)ではご主人とほとんど英語(えいご)しか話さないそうです。彼女はとても勉強熱心で、将来(しょうらい)は日本語の本を読みたいんだそうです。...
2분Juan Rico5년 전스페인어¿Qué tercer idioma debo estudiar para mejorar mi CV? Demos por hecho que el inglés es el idioma más importante que hay que estudiar para un hispanohablante...
1분Anita Froneman8년 전영어How to improve your pronunciation Are you fairly fluent, but still struggle to pronounce certain words correctly? Many people who speak...