3 minutesJennie D5 years ago영어 'The Manchester of Italy' BRITISH DAY SCHIO, N.ITALY. October 2019 marked the the third year of my life in Italy. I wasn’t...
9 minutesSebastian 7 years ago스페인어10 países para viajar y aprender de cultura y civilización Viajar a cualquier parte del mundo es una oportunidad para descubrir y experimentar cosas que jamás creíamos,...
2 minutesDeborah, OET, Medical and Legal 6 years ago영어Valentines: Love and Romance On the Eve of Valentines, and for all lovers of English literature and the romantics among us. I thought...
4 minutesLois 5 years ago영어How to become a "language genius"It’s common knowledge that learning a foreign language is easier when we are young. But many adults still...
2 minutesJoanna Lee5 years ago중국어For Chinese Beginner / Learning Chinese Characters – Simplified vs. Traditional, deciding whether to learn to write Simplified vs. Traditional? Should you learn to simplified Chinese characters or traditional Chinese...
a few secondsEliana Álvarez5 years ago스페인어Saludos populares ColombianosColombia, como todos los países latinos, tienen en su dialéctico, diferente palabras y frases propias...
4 minutesAna Cris Chávez5 years ago스페인어How to Order Street Food in Mexico CityMexican food is street food. Not only because it is in the streets where you'll find the best tacos and...
3 minutesAjalon Michael Zarate5 years ago영어How do language barriers affect communication in the Corporate World? Many companies strive to diversify their workforce by focusing on recruiting and hiring workers of different...
a few secondsMiwa S5 years ago일본어日本(にほん)のおもしろい自動販売機(じどうはんばいき) 日本(にほん)には沢山(たくさん)の自動販売機(じどうはんばいき)があります。 飲み物(のみもの)以外(いがい)のちょっと変わった(かわった) 自動販売機(じどうはんばいき)を紹介(しょうかい)します^^...
a few secondsVictoria Calabria5 years ago영어Essere o Avere? One of the most confusing topics in Italian is when to use essere o avere in the passato prossimo. We...
a minuteDorian Dwyer8 years ago영어The Three Types of Phrasal VerbsPhrasal verbs are, for some students, the most difficult vocabulary to tackle in English. This is because,...
2 minutesKester Park5 years ago영어Simple Past and Present Perfect -- part oneOne of the first tasks of an English learner is to understand how to form the simple past and present...