3분Mitch G6년 전영어Do the quiz - famous quotes from Hollywood!What is a quote? Famous lines and movie quotes play an important part in modern day pop culture. A quote...
1분Tamara 8년 전영어Should you take a diagnostic test? Yes, you should!You have enrolled in a new course, and go to your first lesson. Your instructor tells you that before...
1분Francesca De Paolis6년 전이탈리아어Tour Gastronomico dell'ItaliaCome tanti di voi sapranno, l'Italia è uno dei paesi più famosi al mondo per il cibo. Chi non ha mai...
3분Steve Fowler6년 전영어Introducing Myself. Introducing Yourself.A very common question you will come across during your working life or studies will be associated with...
몇 초Oubbadah Alabbar6년 전아랍어Learning Arabic everyday life conversations In this article, I’ll show some Arabic conversation phrases, and providing the English translation....
1분Sofía Triviño Sánchez7년 전스페인어Acento diacrítico ACENTO DIACRÍTICO El acento diacrítico sirve para distinguir las funciones que una misma palabra puede...
3분Sean Teumer7년 전영어Learning Multiple Languages Has Many BenefitsLearning a new language can have many benefits beyond just being able to communicate in a different language....
3분Leonardo Varas6년 전스페인어Dificultades del españolSin duda hay un sin fin de dificultades que abordar en el estudio de cualquier idioma. A continuación...
1분Eric Wesch6년 전영어Consumerism, the poor and the war against trash While teaching in South Korea I was saddened every time I saw a poor, bent old ‘ajuma’ (old woman)...
2분Sama Alkhalili6년 전영어Tips to Master Gerunds and Infinitives 1 For the next couple of weeks, we're going to learn when to use the infinitive and when to use the gerund....
1분Elena Odinokaya7년 전영어Using participles in Russian (причастие и деепричастие)As an advanced learner of Russian using participles in your speech will make you sound closer to a native...
1분Narayan Arencibia Afonso 8년 전스페인어7 expresiones españolas con la naturaleza (7 Spanish Idioms about nature)7 expresiones españolas con la naturaleza 1. Echar raíces = Take root (establecerse en un sitio o quedarse...