Learn English Like Native Speakers

Have you ever wondered why you cannot speak like native speakers after decades of learning English following erudite methods and investing all the time and effort in the world that you could muster? Well! The difference lies in the methods of learning of course. How do you think native speakers learn English? Do they learn the alphabets and then the countless rules of grammar from the moment they are born? You and I both know that it is not so. How did you learn your own native language?

"By listening and remembering and speaking!" In other words - by COPYING!

Children listen to others speak and they copy. It is as simple as that. For this purpose you need to immerse yourself in an environment where you listen to and have to speak only in English the majority of the day. This is what I have termed as the Natural acquisition of language through immersion.

Let's see how memorizing rules of languages impedes our learning. If you spend decades memorizing rules of grammar and then struggling to compose sentences in English in your mind in accordance with the same rules, you'd spend far too much time thinking and very little time actually speaking. Does that make you a fluent English speaker?

On the other hand, if you create an environment of 'English' around you by reading English books, listening to English music and conversations and speaking to people who speak English fluently, you'd be forced to use English language too and with time, your mind will adjust itself to "Think In English." Once your mind starts thinking in English, it'll stop translating from your native language to the English language using the rules of grammar. You'll spend much less time thinking and your speech will come out very spontaneously, because you have already 'heard' and 'remembered' the sentence structures used by other fluent speakers. It would only be a matter of 'copying' them and hey, you'll see yourself speaking just like the native speakers. You'll be copying native speakers by Listening-Remembering-Speaking!

Chasing fluency will be a thing of the past as you keep immersing yourself in an English environment diligently over certain amounts of time. You will be as fluent as the native speakers too!

Try out the method of immersion and natural acquisition and you will no longer be an ESL / EFL student. You'll actually learn to be a native speaker with your efforts well spent.

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