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INOCULATE word etymology and meaning

5년 전
This is an interesting word with an interesting etymology.

I always assumed it was synonymous with "vaccinate". And if you look at the synonyms you will find it is there.

However, when you read more carefully, inoculate actually means to "introduce an infective agent into an organism".

The Latin "in" means into and "oculus" means eye. In Latin it means literally "into the eye".

The modern usage is that when you get infected you can become immune to whatever it is that has infected you, the basic premise of a vaccine. The common meaning in today's world and the one most people know and use has a positive meaning similar to vaccinate.

However, if you consider that you can get infected, and do not develop any beneficial immunity, you are still considered to be inoculated.

Other synonyms include: indoctrinate and infuse.