Learn to Use 10 Russian Verbs of Frequency!
4년 전We'll focus today on 10 frequently used Russian verbs ending in -АТЬ/-ЯТЬ.
And the verb СЛУШАТЬ = to Listen will serve us as an example.
You'll learn how to Easily use TONS of similar verbs following the same conjugation pattern!
1. First of all, such verbs have similar endings for Я and онИ:
Я слушаю
Они слушаюТ
2. They often have an unstressed Е in the ending, that you’ll be pronouncing as И.
3. And the 3d principle actually ties into the previous one. There will always be 2 VOWELS in a row, and you can’t reduce them to one, you have to pronounce both of them:
я слушаю
ты слУшаешь [слУшаиш]
он слУшает [слУшаит]
онА слУшает [слУшаит]
мы слУшаем [слУшаим]
вы слУшаете [слУшаите]
онИ слУшают
Today, we'll learn to use these phrases, following the same pattern:
мнОго рабОтать = to work a lot
игрАть на гитАре = to play the guitar
дУмать о хорОшем = to think of good things
всё понимАть = to understand everything
дЕлать кОфе = to make a coffee
мечтАть об Отпуске = to dream of a vacation
бЫстро бЕгать = to run fast
гулЯть в пАрке = to walk in a park
читАть кнИгу = to read a book
предпочитАть пИццу = to prefer a pizza