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Speak with confidence! Impossible? (student FAQs answered)

5 anos atrás
Hello everyone! 😄🌞

In this discussion post series, I answer the questions I get asked by students most often.

Student Question
Sometimes it feels impossible to feel more confident when speaking English. What can I do to gain confidence when speaking?

My Answer
Speaking in your second language can sometimes feel like performing on stage... nerve wracking. Here are 3 things you can do to boost your confidence right now:

  1. Speak about common topics with yourself in the mirror. This strategy will help boost your confidence especially if you're nervous because speaking in English isn't something you do very often. If you can't think of anything to say, read an article or book out loud in front of the mirror. It really works!
  2. Give yourself a pep talk just before you start speaking in English. Sometimes all you need is some positive motivation. In this case, give yourself your own little pep talk before you start speaking. Try these motivational words: "Come on! I got this! My speech sounds smooth and smart! I am an amazing English speaker!""
  3. Make a mistake, take a second, then keep speaking: In high school I used to play the clarinet in the school band. Every student who played a woodwind instrument was always terrified of squeaking when playing high notes. And before every performance our conductor used to remind us never to stop playing during a song. Whether we played the wrong note, got lost, or even squeaked... all we needed to do was keep playing. I think this is also a good rule of thumb for speaking. You will sound much more confident if you keep speaking even after you make a mistake or falter. Whatever you do... keep speaking.
What do you do to boost your confidence when speaking English? I'd love to hear it in the comments! 😄🌞❤

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