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$ 39
🥇Vanessa🥇 Spanish Teacher on Verbling 

+5 outra(s)
Aulas: 2.421Alunos: 333
Unlock the Power of Spanish: Master Spanish Lightning-Fast with a 10+ Year Expert! Start speaking Spanish from day one! Boost your confidence and enhance your accuracy and fluency in the Spanish language!
🌎 Hello, I'm Vanessa, your dedicated Spanish tutor. I specialize in creating personalized and engaging lessons tailored to your unique learning style. 📚
🏫 Accredited by the prestigious Cervantes Institute, I've completed the Spanish Teachers Course ELE at the Hemingway Institute. 👩🎓
💬 Experience enhanced COMMUNICATION skills.
🔊 Enhance your Spanish pronunciation and grasp phonetics.
📝 Expand your Spanish vocabulary with several new words per session.
📚 Master Spanish grammar structures applicable to various life situations.
📝 Develop efficient text writing skills.
💪 Be confident; these classes will be the most engaging and inspiring you've ever experienced!
🎬 Customized videos tailored to your needs.
🎵 Curated music featuring the best Spanish music and lyrics.
🎥 Exciting Spanish...
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(Avaliações: 904)

$ 35
Virginia Díaz

+4 outra(s)
Aulas: 2.709Alunos: 149
🎓 MA in Teaching Spanish as a Second Language, Teaching Aptitude Cerificate (CAP), PhD in Arabic Studies, and training in Translation and Intercultural Mediation.
💼 Teaching Spanish since 2005, I have worked in different languages centers, universities and Cervantes Institutes in Spain and abroad, and with a diverse typology of students and academic backgrounds. I also have a wide experience in private and online lessons.
📖 If you want to learn in a comfortable environment with a patient and empathic teacher who cares about improving your skills, I will be pleased to work with you 😊
You can take a look at some of my works available online:
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(Avaliações: 1836)
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$ 39
María Vegas

+4 outra(s)
Aulas: 2.136Alunos: 110
Soy profesora especialista en enseñanza de español para extranjeros. Tengo una amplia experiencia enseñando a adultos. Mis clases son dinámicas, interactivas y adaptadas a tus necesidades. Son totalmente personalizadas según tu nivel, el tiempo del que dispongas y tus objetivos. Solicita una clase gratuita de prueba.
I'm a Spanish teacher for adult foreigners for a long time. I offer you cool and interactive tailored tasks according to your level, your schedule and your goals. Schedule a trial session!
Eu sou um professor especialista em ensinar espanhol para estrangeiros. Eu tenho uma vasta experiência no ensino de adultos. Minhas aulas são dinâmicas, interativas e adaptadas às suas necessidades. Eles são totalmente personalizados de acordo com o seu nível, o tempo que você tem e seus objetivos. Solicite uma avaliação gratuita.
Je suis un professeur spécialisé dans l'enseignement de l'espagnol pour les étrangers. Je possède une grande expérience de l'enseignement des adultes. Mes c...
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(Avaliações: 1427)
$ 26
Fernando Real

Aulas: 2.911Alunos: 152
(For scheduling short term lessons [less than 12 hours to the beggining] please send a message to teacher). I DON'T TEACH CHILDREN.
About Me
My name is Nando Real. I am from Spain and I have an advanced teaching degree. I am a good comunicator and very committed to my projects. I am a binge-documentaries-watcher which reflects my open-minded view of the world, and my eagerness to learn (and gives me lots of materials for my classes). I’m a self-taught guitarrist, composer and music producer, and my hobbies include photography and travelling.
Me as a Teacher
I've been teaching Spanish to primary and secondary school children for 10 years and since 2016 I've been teaching Spanish online. I teach all language levels from A1 to C1, for all kinds of situations, tailoring each lesson to each student. I design lessons for improving the academic Spanish language (school, university…), teach how to develop business presentations, as well as preparing students for job interviews. I'm v...
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(Avaliações: 1571)

$ 27

+3 outra(s)
Aulas: 460Alunos: 76
¡Buenas! Me llamo Blanca y soy de Valencia en España. Soy amante de los idiomas y la enseñanza desde pequeña, ¡y me encantaría ser tu nueva profe!
🔵 Mis clases se adaptan a cada estudiante, y te ayudarán a:
🔸 hablar con fluidez
🔸 mejorar la gramática y vocabulario
🔸 mejorar la escritura mediante correcciones de redacciones, deberes, etc.
🔸 escuchar y entender el español
🔸 aprender más sobre la cultura española e hispana
🔸 divertirte mientras aprendes
❗Si un estudiante no se presenta en los primeros 15 min de la lección, esta se marcará como completada.
❗Si un estudiante quiere reprogramar una clase, necesita avisar con un mínimo de 12 h de antelación o la clase se marcará como completada.
😌 Todos tenemos algún despiste, por lo que no se tendrá en cuenta la primera vez que ocurran estos incidentes.
🔹 Llevo enseñando español desde hace más de cuatro años
🔹 Tengo una licenciatura en Traducción e Interpretación en español - inglés - francés, por lo que entiendo de primera mano ...
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(Avaliações: 204)
$ 30

+2 outra(s)
Aulas: 2.393Alunos: 123
😺✨ Español en Instagram:
¡Hola, amantes del español! Soy Diana, filóloga y profesora de español. Vivo en la bellísima zona de Alicante, ¿la conoces?
¡Qué difícil describirse a una misma! Mi madre dice que soy una persona extrovertida, activa, optimista, paciente... 😂
Eso sí, tengo muchas aficiones: me encanta hacer senderismo, levantar pesas en el gimnasio, estar cerca del mar, hacer manualidades, viajar a otros países, ver vídeos sobre curiosidades... ¡y mucho más! 💖
¡Ah! Y te doy una pista sobre mi familia: con mis abuelas hablo un poquito en ucraniano, con mis padres en ruso, con amig@s, compañer@s y estudiantes en español. 🌍
Mi trayectoria profesional comenzó en la Universidad de Granada, donde completé el Máster en Enseñanza de Español para Extranjeros. Desde entonces, he impartido clases de español en reconocidas escuelas de idiomas, en Alicante y Valencia. Actualmente, trabajo de manera autónoma en mi propia academi...
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(Avaliações: 1206)

$ 25
Ana Andres Garcia

Aulas: 2.043Alunos: 130
Hello everyone!
My name is Ana, I'm a native Spanish teacher from Madrid.
I am bachelor in Tourism and a degree of Spanish Language Teaching.
I´ve been teaching Spanish for 5 years.
I´ve been working managing a tourism company for 25 years and I´d like to teach all me knowledge in this area to my students.
I am searching for foreign student who want to improve the Spanish level.
I will help you if you want to prepare the following exams, TELC and DELE (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2).
If you need the Spanish language for working, traveling, or running a tourism company or just to learn Spanish, do not hesitage to contact me or ask for a trial.
I will help you with your Spanish Language.
Best regards.
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(Avaliações: 658)

$ 21
Elena Puchades Alarcón

+2 outra(s)
Aulas: 1.030Alunos: 96
Hola, mi nombre es Elena.
Soy española nativa de la zona de Levante español, concretamente nací en Valencia, capital de la Comunidad Valenciana.
Mi enfoque para que aprendas y lleves tu español al más alto nivel está dividido en varias partes:
1. Si necesitas aprender gramática para mejorar tu español y usarlo de forma correcta, escrito y hablado.
2. Si necesitas aprender conversación y pronunciación para viajar a España y a paises de habla hispana.
3. Si necesitas aprender a escribir correctamente para mejorar en traducción de textos o para ampliar tu vocabulario en lengua escrita.
4. Si necesitas hablar el mejor español de negocios para tener éxito en la promoción de tu empresa.
Con todos estos puntos anteriores conseguiremos que hables como un nativo.
Lo haremos con lectura, conversación y ejercicios prácticos.
Me gusta el uso correcto de la lengua y por ello he estudiado durante años la lengua española en la UNED y la he hablado desde mi nacimiento, también hablo val...
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(Avaliações: 581)

$ 26
Oscar Facundo

+2 outra(s)
Aulas: 1.465Alunos: 85
Express in Spanish being yourself and communicating without sounding like a robot.
I've already tried, I'm not good at languages, I don't have time, Spanish is too difficult, etc.
Have you ever said this to yourself? Let me tell you that your beliefs are holding you back. Most all of my students have lost their fear and express themselves naturally. The road is not easy or fast, but everyone can reach their goal with the proper guidance. Do not trust false promises that sell you miracle courses and progress in record time.
You can read the testimonials of some of the more than 60 students I have helped in my profile.
I also wanted to learn English. They were difficult years because I studied English at school since I was ten years old, but my English was still a joke after twelve years. Until I focused, got my "what for", and luckily I found a language coach who guided me on my way. Now I don't speak it perfectly, far from it, but I feel comfortable speaking and communicating by b...
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(Avaliações: 536)

$ 19
Carlos Ruiz

+1 outra(s)
Aulas: 864Alunos: 72
Hello everyone! I’m Carlos, a passionate native Spanish teacher from beautiful Málaga, in southern Spain. My interests span a variety of fields, including languages, history, reading, travel, watching movies and series, cooking, and, of course, sports—especially football and tennis.
Teaching is not just my profession; it's my passion! I believe that every interaction in the classroom is a two-way street where both teachers and students learn and grow together. I thrive on sharing my knowledge and experiences, and I’m excited to embark on this language journey with you.
Let’s make learning Spanish an engaging and enriching experience!
For the past 10 years, I have had the joy of teaching Spanish to learners from all corners of the globe. My journey began in various Spanish schools, both in my hometown and abroad, where I spent 8 enriching years. Five years ago, I took the exciting leap into online teaching, initially as a hobby alongside my classroom ...
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(Avaliações: 366)

$ 10
Marta Martín Somonte

Aulas: 684Alunos: 224
¡Hola a todos! Soy Marta, de España y tengo 38 años. Soy profesora online desde hace 3 años, mi estilo de enseñanza, se basa en el aprendizaje de la gramática y el vocabulario y luego ponerlo en práctica con la conversación. Tengo un master de la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera y varios cursos relacionados con la enseñanza. He trabajado con niños y adultos, enseñándoles el español y su cultura.
Si quieres aprender español con resultados rápidos, no te lo pienses, ¡soy tu profesora!.
En mis clases organizo un plan de aprendizaje para que logres tus objetivos en el plazo marcado y doy gramática, compresión lectora, escrita, oral y auditiva, así como conversación.
Enseñar es mi vocación, me gusta enseñar y que mis alumnos aprendan, es muy gratificante.
Hello everyone! I am Marta, from Spain and I am 38 years old. I have been an online Spanish teacher for 3 years, my teaching style is based on learning grammar and vocabulary and then putting it into practice with conversa...
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(Avaliações: 149)