a minuteOlga Papadopoulou8 years agoГреческийSpanish words of Greek origin "Tiene especialidad en Otorrinolaringología." What? How many Greek words are in there? One..two…three..or...
3 minutesAstrid Machado6 years agoИспанскийFrases para un Español Cotidiano - Parte I En mis años de experiencia como Profesora de Lengua Española para Extranjeros, he aprendido cual es la...
2 minutesAlejandra Piña 5 years agoИспанский¡Día de muertos! :) Algo que nos encanta en México de esta época del año es el Día de muertos; tal vez algunos niños están...
3 minutesSaron Smith-Hardin6 years agoАнглийскийThe 3 Biggest Mistakes When Using NETFLIX for Language LearningDid you know Netflix is available in almost 200 countries throughout the world? With hundreds of millions...
2 minutesOscar Facundo6 years agoАнглийскийSpanish Christmas TraditionsIn Spain, Christmas is one of the longest holidays of the year. Traditions in Spain are very special....
a few secondsAlejandra Piña 6 years agoИспанскийRoma ¿Has visto Roma, la película mexicana que ha recibido varios premios en los festivales internacionales...
a minuteEmma Sartori5 years agoИтальянскийImparare l'Italiano con le canzoni: "la gatta" di Gino Paoli (facile/medio)Ciao! Mi chiamo Emma e sono un'insegnante di lingua italiana. Mi sono iscritta da pochi giorni su verbling...
4 minutesFederica Dionigi7 years agoИтальянскийEspressioni colloquiali in italianoESPRESSIONI COLLOQUIALI IN ITALIANO Ciao a tutti. Oggi scrivo questo post in italiano per voi studenti...
2 minutesOthman Abid5 years agoАнглийскийEven if you felt that it's boring!Why keep going when you feel that it's boring? I opened my eyes finally, after hours of teasing and turning...
7 minutesLiliana Salcedo5 years agoИспанскийThe use of different strategies to learn Spanish faster and easier (I) The use of different strategies to learn Spanish faster and easier (I) Learning Spanish will offer...
a minuteShota Nakayama 7 years agoЯпонский日本語が難しい5つの理由 / 5reasons why Japanese is difficult 漢字 普段、日本人が当たり前に使っている漢字は外国人にとって、とても厄介な文字です。私たち日本人が物書きを始めたころから少しずつ覚えてきた日本語の漢字。漢字の溢れている環境で育ったから、日本人は初めて見る字でも何となく読み方を言い当てられたり、意味を推測できたりします。...
a minuteCharlotte Allen5 years agoАнглийскийTop ten mispronounced English words English pronunciation is certainly tricky. If you want proof of this, have a look at this poem "The...