Interesting ways to call someone that you don't know!

When we start a conversation, the first thing we always do will be greeting or calling the reciever to attract attention. If we don't know the reciever, apart from using “你好” to start the conversation, what else can we say?

As in spanish, sometimes we use the words like "guapo, guapa" when we do not know the name of the recipient, in chinese we also have the words that can be used in this case. Let's see together!😉

老板 [ lǎobǎn] n. boss

It is used very often in small stores or restaurants where is easy to know who could be the owner.
e.g. 老板,这个饮料多少钱?
Lǎobǎn, zhège yǐnliào duō shǎo qián?
Boss, how much does this drink cost?

师傅 [shīfu] n. master

It is frequently used for teachers of certain technique or workers. We can call a driver, a mechanical worker or a master who is engaged in manual works.
e.g. (In a bus)
Shīfu, qù Rénmín guǎngchǎng shì zhège fāngxiàng ma?
Master, is this the right direction to People Square?

帅哥[shuàigē] handsome guy 美女 [měinǚ] beautiful girl
These words are used in the same case as in spanish. Quite possibly when you walk into a store that sells makeup or clothing products, the vendors will call you that.
e.g. 帅哥/美女,需要点什么吗?
Shuàigē/měinǚ, xūyào diǎn shénme ma?
Anything I can do for you handsome?

妹妹[mèimei] n. little sister

大姐 [dàjiě] n. big sister

阿姨[āyí] n. aunt

大哥[dàgē] n. big brother

叔叔[shūshu],伯伯[bóbo] n. uncle


In case you already knew some chinese culture, you sure already noticed that we use family calls very frequently, even if we have no biological relationship. We use it to shorten the distance. Keep in mind that in chinese culture, girls prefer be called younger, while boys usually use the "哥" to give respect and sometimes give a higher position in the group. Also, when we know the person's last name, we will combine it with the deals, We take the Chen (陈) last name as an example:

先生[xiānshēng] n. Sir

小姐[xiǎojiě] n. young lady

Last, but not least, we can call peolpe using "先生" o "小姐". This is the most polite way, but also shows a kind of distance acording to the situation.
e.g. (When you enter a restaurant)
Xiānsheng/xiǎojiě, nín hǎo, qǐng wèn jǐ wèi?
Welcome sir/lady, how many do you have?

Here are the most common ways to call people, if you have more words that you think will fit on this list, or you've heard one that you do not understand, ask without a doubt! I'm Noah, let's learn Chinese through our daily lives!😆

23 июля 2020 г.
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Yanjun Xu

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¡Hola, soy Noah! Tengo el título de máster de didáctica del chino para hispanohablantes, he realizado prácticas en la escuela oficial de idiomas y soy graduada en filología hispánica. Soy nativa de China y tengo mucha pasión de enseñar mi idioma y cultura. Siempre preparo la secuencia didáctica de antemano, pero mis clases son flexibles y me adapto a las necesidades de los alumnos. Mi metodología se dirige sobre todo a adultos o estudiantes universitarios que ya cuenten con un nivel principiante o intermedio. EXPERIENCIA LABORAL Dos meses de práctica de profesorado del chino en Escuela Oficial de Idiomas Experiencia de enseñar chino y castellano en empresa Profesora de chino en centro de idioma --------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, I'm Noah! I have a master's degree in Chinese teaching for Spanish speakers, I have done internships at the official language school and I am a graduate in Hispanic Philology. I am a native of China and I have a lot of p...
Язык(-и) общения:
¡Hola, soy Noah! Tengo el título de máster de didáctica del chino para hispanohablantes, he realizado prácticas en la escuela oficial de idiomas y soy graduada en filología hispánica. Soy nativa de China y tengo mucha pasión de enseñar mi idioma y cultura. Siempre preparo la secuencia didáctica de antemano, pero mis clases son flexibles y me adapto a las necesidades de los alumnos. Mi metodología se dirige sobre todo a adultos o estudiantes universitarios que ya cuenten con un nivel principiante o intermedio. EXPERIENCIA LABORAL Dos meses de práctica de profesorado del chino en Escuela Oficial de Idiomas Experiencia de enseñar chino y castellano en empresa Profesora de chino en centro de idioma --------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, I'm Noah! I have a master's degree in Chinese teaching for Spanish speakers, I have done internships at the official language school and I am a graduate in Hispanic Philology. I am a native of China and I have a lot of p...
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