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What works better for you?

7 лет назад
Different learning styles require different teaching approaches. So, what works better for you?Structured lesson planning or relaxed conversation?Memorizing grammar and vocabulary or leaning them in context?Learning on your own or having a good teacher coaching you along your learning process?Building rapport with our students should be any teacher’s first step - chemistry in the relationship, you might say - is essential, and it is part of our job to work on that, to learn how to reach out to each particular student and be able to help them in the learning process. Studying languages, linguistics and teaching techniques, yes. We teachers certainly need to study a lot, get specific training, read, become as educated and knowledgeable as possible. And then reflect on how each person learns and how they can benefit from our class so that they can learn better, learn more and receive from us -the teachers- not only pieces of knowledge and advice, but also guidelines on how to keep learning on their own, enjoying it, thriving on it.If you want to have an enjoyable learning experience and improve your fluency, please do not hesitate to contact me here and take a trial lesson. See you soon!at works better for you?
Different learning styles require different teaching approaches. So, what works better for you?
Structured lesson planning or relaxed conversation?

Memorizing grammar and vocabulary or leaning them in context?

Learning on your own or having a good teacher coaching you along your learning process?

Building rapport with our students should be any teacher’s first step - chemistry in the relationship, you might say - is essential, and it is part of our job to work on that, to learn how to reach out to each particular student and be able to help them in the learning process.

Studying languages, linguistics and teaching techniques, yes. We teachers certainly need to study a lot, get specific training, read, become as educated and knowledgeable as possible.
And then reflect on how each person learns and how they can benefit from our class so that they can learn better, learn more and receive from us -the teachers- not only pieces of knowledge and advice, but also guidelines on how to keep learning on their own, enjoying it, thriving on it.

If you want to have an enjoyable learning experience and improve your fluency, please do not hesitate to contact me here and take a trial lesson. See you soon!
Комментарии (2)
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For some reason I cannot see your answer... I only see a number at the upper left side but nothing more...
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Hi Mayra, Katerin said that some students prefer to study languages the traditional way (memorizing grammar and vocabulary before they start to speak), and we teachers are here to help - whichever their preference might be.

How do you prefer to learn a foreign language? You seem to speak English. How did you learn?
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Para un estudiante que inicia su aprendizaje en un idioma, pienso que es muy importante sentirse relajado y en confianza, por esta razón la importancia de empezar aprender un idioma conversando y posteriormente estudiarr la gramática.
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Cierto, Katerin, sentirse relajado en la clase y confiar en tu profesor y en ti mismo es muy importante, eso seguro. En cuanto a la cuestión de si empezar conversando, eso depende de cada alumno. A mí también me gusta empezar utilizando en la conversación el idioma que se esté aprendiendo, pero muchas personas prefieren empezar estudiando gramática y vocabulario... a cada cual lo suyo, ¿no?
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En realidad Jackier, algunos estudiantes van a preferir estudiar de la manera tradicional, y claro, si están cómodos de esa manera, nosotros como profesores estamos para ayudarlos.